As embarrassed as she was, she still felt strangely turned on. Her skin itched, desperate for him to touch her.

"Ye're glistening," he whispered. "Ye're like a pink rose covered with dew."

She felt more moisture seeping from her core. "Robby, if you don't touch me, I'm going to scream."

He smiled. "Ye're going to scream anyway."

"I'll get over it." She jerked when his fingers traced the wet folds.

He slowly inserted a finger inside her. "Ye're verra tight. I'll try to loosen you up a wee bit."

"Oh, oh my..." She gripped the comforter in her fists. She was never going to last. It felt too damned good.

He slipped two fingers inside and waggled them about. "Ye're dripping now. Growing more red and swollen. I can smell yer scent, and it makes me want to taste you."

"Then do it! I'm dying here. I - " She squeaked when he pinched her clitoris.

He stroked the inner walls of her vagina while he fondled the highly sensitive nub. Tension sharpened inside her, ready to snap. Suddenly, his fingers were moving incredibly fast, and she was spiraling out of control. Her whole body jolted. She screamed. Her vagina squeezed his fingers with powerful spasms that made her shudder all over.

Moments later when she was still trying to catch her breath, she realized he'd shifted his position. He was now poised over her. He lowered himself onto his elbows.

"Are ye all right?"

She nodded, still breathless. His eyes were redder than ever, actually glowing. It was wrong, but she couldn't seem to make herself care.

"Wrap yer legs around me."

She did. She shuddered when she felt his thick shaft nudging her.

"I'll try to make it as painless as possible." He nuzzled her neck. When he kissed her and tickled her with his tongue, she felt a tingle in her core.

"How do you do that?" she whispered. Even though she was inexperienced, she knew that couldn't be normal.

He didn't answer, just suckled on her neck. It made her throb and ache for him. He pushed into her, stretching her tight until he bumped into her hymen. She felt a twinge of discomfort, then he licked her again, and a frisson of pleasure vibrated through her core.

"Ready?" He lifted his head from her neck. Beads of perspiration dotted his brow, and he grimaced as if in great pain.

"Are you all right?" she asked.

" control," he grated out between clenched teeth. He seized one of her decorative pillows and jammed it up against her neck.

"What - ack!" She stiffened with pain as he ripped through her barrier.

He shouted, too, and buried his head in the pillow at her neck.

She froze. He was inside her. She was no longer a virgin. The pain seeped away, leaving her with the pleasant sensation of being stuffed to the gills. She giggled.

He grunted, and she giggled again. A seed of joy burst in her chest and brought tears to her eyes. She was so glad she had waited, that it was Robby who was inside her.

She patted him on the back. "Thank you. I'll always remember this. It was just perfect."

"Are ye going somewhere?" he mumbled into the pillow.

"No. I live here."

"Good." He lifted his head from the pillow. His face seemed pale and strained. "Because we're just getting started."

"Really?" She sucked in a breath when he dragged his erection out.

"Really." He thrust back in. "I'm no' hurting you, am I?"

"No, it's - " She moaned when he rubbed himself against her clitoris.

"Ye're so beautiful, so tight." He withdrew and pushed into her again. "And ye're mine."

"Yes." She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his face all over. He quickened the pace, and once again she felt the delicious coiling sensation, driving her up and up toward a breaking point. She raised her hips to meet him, wanting him deeper and deeper inside her.

He reared back onto his knees and lifted her hips to meet his. She gasped at the strength of his thrusts. The coil shattered inside her, and she screamed. He ground himself against her, then with a hoarse shout, he collapsed on the bed beside her.

She pressed a hand to her chest as her breathing and heart rate finally slowed. "Oh God, that was so good."

He moaned.

She turned onto her side to face him. "Are you all right?"

He moaned.

"You're not going to roll over and snore, are you?"

He opened his eyes. "I don't snore."

She smiled. "Your eyes look much better. The redness is gone."

He snorted. "Not for long."

"It's a recurring problem?"

"When I'm with you, yes."

She frowned. She was causing the problem with his eyes? She knew eyes could get red and irritated, but not the way his were doing. "Are you allergic to me?"

"I'm in love with you." He sat up. "Are ye all right, sweetheart? Are ye sore?"

She moved her legs. "A little. I think I'll take a hot bath. Would you like to join me?"

"Maybe later." He climbed out of bed and put on his clothes. "I'm going to do a perimeter check of the area to make sure I'm guarding you properly." He kissed her brow and smiled. "Don't go away. We still have round two."

Round two? She winced with soreness as she sat up. "I'm not sure I can take any more."

He chuckled as he strode from the room. "Ye'll get over it."

She snorted. "If you're going outside, take my keys with you."

"I'll lock you in. And I'll be right back."

"Okay." She heard the front door open and shut, and the sound of a key turning in the lock.

She glanced at the wet spot on her comforter. There was some blood mixed in. Proof her virginity was gone. Her gaze landed on the decorative pillow Robby had pressed up against her neck.

How odd. She picked it up. There were two puncture holes in the blue satin material.

She tossed it back onto the bed. She shouldn't have washed it last week. The cheap material was falling apart.

She padded into the bathroom and turned on the water. She wasn't going to let anything detract from the most glorious night in her life. No thoughts about apples or red eyes or ruined pillows. She'd just been bedded by a wonderful lover. Robby MacKay loved her.

Life didn't get any better than this.


Life didn't get any tougher than this. Robby dashed down the stairs and across the parking lot to the overgrown bush where he'd hidden a small ice chest. He yanked a bottle of synthetic blood out of the ice and unscrewed the top.

He'd drunk two bottles before coming to Olivia's apartment, so he wouldn't be hungry, but he hadn't counted on spending so much time with his mouth on her neck, and her throbbing carotid artery just millimeters away from his fangs.

He guzzled down some bottled blood. Thank God he'd brought an emergency supply. He hadn't expected her to be a virgin. Years ago, when he'd had to feed to survive, he'd learned how to ease the pain of a bite and make the whole experience pleasurable for the donor. He'd used the same technique tonight to lessen Olivia's pain and heighten her pleasure, but the cost had been high.

He'd nearly died, fighting the compulsion to bite her. And the struggle hadn't ended there. He'd had to make sure the sex was good, too.

He strode around the perimeter of the parking lot, looking for anything suspicious. The parked cars were empty. He studied the apartment building while he finished the bottle of blood. If a mortal was hiding in the shadows, he'd be able to hear a heartbeat. Nothing.

He walked over to the Dumpster and tossed his empty bottle inside. There was still another bottle in the ice chest. He might need it before the night was over.

He ran a hand over his hair, pushing back the strands that had come loose during lovemaking. A virgin. He hadn't expected that. And he'd taken it.

He shouldn't have done it. It would be harder now to tell her the truth about himself. No woman would want to hear that she'd lost her virginity to a night creature.

No doubt she was hoping for a normal life. She would want to share normal activities during the day with a normal husband, and give birth to normal children. He could never give her that. He should have been honest with her before taking her to bed.

But dammit, what choice had she given him? He'd had to stop her from throwing herself at a stranger. And he'd tried his damnedest to deflower her with as little pain and as much pleasure as possible.

Stop lying to yourself. He had wanted to do it. He'd wanted Olivia since the first night he'd spotted her on Patmos. He could pretend he regretted behaving in a dishonorable fashion, but the truth was, he was doing exactly what he wanted. He loved her, and he was going to fight for her.