He made sure the blinds and curtains were all shut before turning on a light. Then he retrieved the bug detector he'd stashed in his sporran. He doubted Otis or his alleged accomplice had managed to bug Olivia's apartment, but he wanted to make sure.

He checked the living room and kitchen, then ventured into her bedroom. He couldn't look at the queen-sized bed without imagining Olivia lying naked on the cool blue sheets. Now that he'd teleported to her apartment, the location was embedded in his psychic memory. It would be awfully tempting to pop in at night to join her in bed. Unfortunately, the popping in part would probably make her more frightened than romantic.

Her bedroom, bathroom, and closet all checked out. No bugs. He turned off the lights and peered out a window. He was on a second floor, overlooking a landscaped area and parking lot.

He spotted a dark, shadowy area where the bushes were overgrown, and teleported to it. Now, the next time he returned, he would have the option of arriving outside her apartment.

He retrieved his cell phone from his sporran and called Olivia's work number. He materialized in the FBI building in Kansas City. Before the night guards could become aware of him, he teleported away, going back to Romatech.

He felt much better now with all three locations in his psychic memory. If Olivia needed him, he could be there within seconds. He'd only started his investigation the night before, but had learned enough to be worried.

Otis Crump was sick and dangerous, a truly evil man. And even though Crump was apparently locked away for life, Robby knew that evil should never be underestimated.


As the month of February wore on, Robby stayed in contact with Olivia, either by phone or e-mail. She told him all about her job. They were busy investigating an adoption scam that had her working overtime. Then, in March, a series of drug-related kidnappings and murders monopolized her time.

Her investigation of Otis had to be postponed, but she claimed it didn't matter since she hadn't received any apples since November. Her supervisor had insisted Otis would stop harassing her if she ignored him. It looked like it might have worked.

She admitted that sometimes her job left her completely exhausted and frazzled. She was bombarded with the painful emotions of victims and their families. She could even feel the stress and angry frustration of her fellow colleagues. Since she couldn't feel anything from Robby, talking to him was like taking a vacation. She looked forward to it at the end of every day.

By mid-February they both installed webcams on their laptops so they could see each other as they talked. Robby knew she was stressed from work, so he did his best to cheer her up. He told her about his friends - how Jack threw a rowdy bachelor party and the police had come to shut it down, and now he was marrying the pretty police officer. How Phineas was in love with a girl who had slipped hot sauce into his drink. Seeing Olivia and hearing her laughter was the highlight of Robby's evening. Of course, he left out the pesky fact that some of his friends were Undead.

A few times their late night conversations turned sexy and flirtatious, but Robby tried to keep that to a minimum. He would always take his laptop and webcam to a nearby conference room, since there was no privacy in the office at Romatech. Even so, the guys enjoyed barging into the room to tease him. He couldn't afford to get too excited, or he'd be stuck trying to do his job all night with a conspicuous lump in his trousers.

Even so, it was hard not to get turned on. Olivia was so damned beautiful. More than once she had peered closely at the monitor and asked if his eyes were turning red.

"'Tis the camera," he'd tell her. "My eyes are always looking red in photos." Luckily, she accepted that excuse.

One more good reason, he thought, for keeping their relationship long distance for a while. If he went to visit her, his eyes would be glowing red within three minutes.

He verified that J.L. Wang was trustworthy, and he found nothing wrong with Otis's lawyer. When he mentioned he was the best man in Jack and Lara's wedding in April, Olivia insisted on hearing all about it.

"What does the wedding gown look like?" she asked.

Robby thought back. Lara had shown him a picture. "'Tis...white."

Olivia snorted. "That's real descriptive. Is it bright white or cream? Is it floor length? Is there a train? Does it have beadwork or lace? Is she wearing a veil?"

Robby frowned, trying to recall the picture. "'Tis white." When Olivia groaned, he added, "I'll e-mail you the picture."

He ended up e-mailing all sorts of things that Olivia was curious about, even the menu that the mortals would be eating at the reception. Since she was so fascinated with the wedding, he was sorely tempted to invite her, but he rejected the idea. How could he explain the Bubbly Blood - synthetic blood mixed with champagne - that he and his friends would be drinking at the reception? No doubt she would want to do some sightseeing, too, and she'd wonder why he was completely unavailable during the daytime.

He needed to tell her the truth soon, but figured it should be done in private. A wedding was not the right place to break the news.

The wedding took place in mid-April at the Romatech chapel. While Robby listened to the couple reciting their vows, his thoughts kept returning to Olivia. Could she marry a vampire? It involved more than just accepting him as Undead. If she wanted to stay with him over the centuries, she would have to become a vampire, too.

The conference rooms were opened up to make a ballroom for the reception. The bride and other mortals enjoyed a gourmet meal, while the Vamps celebrated with Bubbly Blood.

The High Voltage Vamps began playing a waltz, and Jack escorted Lara to the dance floor, leaving Robby alone with LaToya at the bridal party table. LaToya had flown into town two days earlier to be Lara's maid of honor.

When the waltz was over, other couples joined Jack and Lara on the dance floor.

LaToya suddenly jumped to her feet and grabbed Robby's arm. "Come on, dance with me."

"As ye wish." He stood, then noticed Phineas hurrying toward their table.

"LaToya, will you dance with me?" he asked.

"Sorry. Robby asked me first." LaToya tugged on Robby's arm. "Come on."

He gave Phineas an apologetic look, then led LaToya to the dance floor. It was a slow dance, which made it easier to talk. "Ye canna avoid him all evening."

LaToya frowned as she placed her hands lightly on Robby's shoulders. "Why doesn't he give up?"

"He's crazy about you."

She glanced to the side where Phineas stood watching her with a lovesick expression. "Crazy is right. I can't scare the guy away. I practically killed him with hot sauce. He came to see me in New Orleans, and I threatened to shoot his ass. Somehow he thought that was romantic."

Robby shrugged one shoulder. "He believes in love. He has a big heart."

"He has a dead heart. Dead as a bloodsucking mosquito caught in a bug zapper."

Robby winced. "He's alive now."

"And what kind of weird shit is that? I mean, you're alive at night, but dead during the day? Sheesh, make up your minds. Either be alive or be dead. How can you be both? It's just wrong."

"So ye're still upset about us being vampires?"

She heaved a sigh. "I promised to keep my mouth shut, if that's what you're worried about. I don't want any of you creepy guys erasing my memory, not when my memories of Lara would end up erased, too."

"She is fortunate to have a loyal friend like you."

LaToya glanced at the bride, who was beaming with joy as she swayed to the music in Jack's arms. "I want her to be happy. I guess she is, but I don't see how it can last."

"There's never any guarantee." Robby thought back to his own failed marriage. His wife, Mavis, had rejected him for being Undead. Just because Shanna, Heather, Toni, and Lara were able to love Vamp men, it didn't mean all women could. Would Olivia be able to handle it?

"My mother's on her third husband," LaToya grumbled. "She's never had a marriage that lasted more than five years. And you Vamps think you can stay married for centuries? You're out of your half-dead minds."

Robby smiled. "Maybe so."

LaToya chewed her bottom lip. "Though I have to admit, the thought of being around for a few centuries is kinda appealing. And staying young forever - that's not bad."

"Aye, there are some advantages." Maybe she was learning to accept them, after all. "We're no' so bad once ye get to know us. When I was captured last summer, a lot of the Vamps in this room risked their lives in order to rescue me."