"Och, good. Ye're still alive," Robby said as he crossed the family room to the kitchen. At dawn, Carlos hadn't returned yet, so Robby had fallen into his death-sleep not knowing if the were-panther had survived his night out.

Now the sun had set and Robby was newly awakened and hungry for breakfast. He padded into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle from the fridge. Type A negative to remind him of Olivia. After breakfast he needed to shower and change. He was supposed to pick her up at her grandmother's house at nine.

He heard footsteps behind him and glanced back as he stuffed the bottle into the microwave. Carlos was shuffling in with a frown on his face.

"I'm afraid I have bad news, bro." He leaned against a counter and folded his arms across his black T-shirt.

Robby took a wineglass from the cabinet. "Let me guess. Ye have a stomachache from devouring a whole goat."

"No. I only had a few bites before the goat herder started shooting at me. I've never seen such a dedicated bunch of herders in my life. It's bloody hard to get a meal on this island."

"How sad." Robby poured his bottle of warm blood into the glass. "Remind me to cry for you later."

"Save your tears for yourself, Big Red. I went to the taverna an hour ago to eat and listen to the latest gossip on the mysterious panther." Carlos chuckled. "The police say I don't exist, but Spiro's telling everyone that I do. And no one can figure out where the hell I came from."

"Hell being the operative word." Robby guzzled down his glass of blood.

"Very funny. But there were two big topics of gossip today. The panther who has mysteriously disappeared, and your girlfriend who has mysteriously run away."

Robby gulped the last swallow of blood. "What?"

"The tavern owner's wife, Alexia, told me all about it. She helped Olivia and Eleni close up the house for the winter. She's Eleni's best friend, so she always keeps an eye on the house, waters the plants, and so on."

"Wait." Robby set his glass down. "Are ye saying Olivia left the island?"

"A little slow on the uptake, bro. Yes, she's gone. Her grandmother, too."

"She canna be gone. I'm supposed to pick her up at nine."

"The house is closed. I went by it on the way home to make sure."

Robby stared at Carlos, speechless. Completely gob-smacked. She was gone? Why would she leave? Had he pushed her too fast? Bugger. She'd complained about it all happening too quickly. He should have taken it slower. "Why would she leave?"

Carlos shrugged. "Maybe you're a lousy kisser."

"Maybe ye'd like two black eyes to match yer black heart."

Carlos grinned. "Easy, Big Red. I asked Alexia that same question. She said something had Olivia really scared. A man."

Robby swallowed hard. Had he frightened her away? She hadn't seemed that scared last night.

"Alexia was upset about them leaving," Carlos continued. "She wanted Olivia to stay and marry her son Giorgios."

"Anything else?" Robby grated. Now that he'd adjusted to the shock, he was becoming angry. Olivia shouldn't have run away. She'd admitted she was falling in love. You didn't run away from the man you loved. Not if you were loyal and trustworthy.

"I asked Alexia if she knew where they were going," Carlos said. "The grandmother always goes to Houston to spend Christmas vacation with her son there. So they're probably headed to Houston."

Robby nodded and strode from the room. Damn it to hell, he didn't even have Olivia's cell phone number. He hadn't expected her to run away. He went into his bedroom and dressed quickly in a pair of jeans, T-shirt, and hoodie. Then he headed out the back door onto the patio.

"Wait up!" Carlos yelled.

Robby didn't wait. He jumped off the bluff and landed with a thud on the sand below. He stalked toward Petra, tempted to rip the giant rock apart with his bare hands.


Robby glanced back when he heard a thud. Carlos had leaped off the bluff, holding a jacket in his hand. "I doona want company."

Carlos walked toward him as he slipped on his black leather jacket. "Where are you going?"

"Running." Robby broke into a sprint.

Carlos ran alongside him. "Are we going to her house?"

Robby ignored him and kept running. Maybe he would go to her house. It was better than staying at home all alone. Lonesome. His pace slowed to a walk.

"I'm sorry about how things turned out, muchacho."

Robby grunted. He motioned toward the moon, which was still fairly full. "Why don't ye shift and go away? The goat buffet is waiting for you."

"Actually, I had intended to shift tonight so I could terrorize Spiro's goats again." Carlos grinned. "Just trying to upset your competition, bro. But there's no point in shifting since your bird flew the coop."

Robby ground his teeth. How could she leave him? It didn't make sense. And something Carlos had said didn't make sense, either. "Ye intended to shift, but ye changed yer mind?"

"That's what I said. You're a little slow tonight, bro."

"Ye have control over yer shifting?"

Carlos hesitated. "Yes."

"Then ye're like an Alpha wolf? Ye can shift without a full moon?"

Carlos grimaced. "Please. Don't compare me to those drooling dogs. Cats are naturally superior creatures."

Robby snorted. "Ye're both shifters."

"Our cultures are completely different. Wolves huddle into packs and follow the commands of their pack master like well-trained little puppies. A panther obeys no one."

"I think Phil would disagree with yer assessment of werewolves. He broke away from his pack."

"Phil is all right." Carlos smirked. "For a dog."

Phil had found his true love, Robby recalled. A lot of his friends had recently found their mates. He thought he'd found his.

He trudged past the area where Olivia had asked her three questions.

What do you want more than anything in the world? Without hesitation, he'd answered revenge.

What scares you more than anything in the world? Robby halted with a jerk. Losing Olivia.

A sharp pain pierced his heart. How could he lose her? Somehow, in just a few nights, she'd completely overturned his thoughts and feelings. What did he want more than anything? Olivia. He still wanted revenge, but it was no longer the driving force in his life.

He wanted Olivia. Now when the sun went down and his heart jolted back to life, pumping blood into his brain, his first thought was Olivia. At sunrise, when his heartbeat faded away and his thoughts dissolved into nothingness, the last image in his mind was Olivia.

With revenge as his goal, he'd lived in order to hate. Now he wanted love. More than anything, he wanted love.

And yes, it made him a better person.

His heart ached. He couldn't lose her. She was a part of his heart and soul.

"Don't give up, bro," Carlos whispered. "I tell myself that every day. Never give up."

Robby nodded.

"So are we there yet?" Carlos muttered.

Robby pointed at the Sotiris house in the distance. "That's it."

"I'll race you." Carlos took off at a fast pace.

Robby focused on the courtyard and teleported there.

"Show off!" Carlos shouted from the beach.

Robby surveyed the courtyard. The telescope and table and chairs were gone, probably taken indoors. He examined the house. Blue shutters boarded up the windows. The back door was locked, and the windowpane was covered with another shutter.

Footsteps sounded behind him as Carlos jogged up the stairs to the courtyard.

Carlos paused by one of the lemon trees and broke off a sprig of mint that grew around the base. "Place is locked up, bro." He chewed on the mint.

"I'm going to teleport inside."

"Are you sure that's wise? You could end up part of a sofa."

Robby placed a hand on the door and focused on moving himself just inside. He materialized by the door, unlocked it, and opened it. "Come on in."

"What are we looking for?"

"I'm no' sure. Something wrong."

Carlos pivoted as he looked around the kitchen. "Everything's wrong. The countertops need replacing. That stove is ancient. There's no water dispenser in the refrigerator door. This place needs a major makeover."

"Go check the rest of the house," Robby growled. When his annoying companion headed into the parlor, Robby examined the kitchen. It looked fine to him. But then he'd grown up in a one-room stone hut with a thatched roof.