Oh, good acting skills. Carlos backed away. You're looking really pissed.

"I am pissed!" Robby scooped an egg-shaped rock off the beach.

Merda. No need to get violent. Carlos trotted down the beach.

Robby hurled the rock. Carlos yelped when it clipped him on a rear leg. You big lummox! See if I ever help you again!

I doona need yer help, ye mangy hellcat! Robby ran into the water to fetch Olivia. A strong wave pummeled her from behind, and she lost her balance. For a few terrifying seconds he saw her go under.

"Olivia!" He reached her just as she broke the surface, sputtering. He swooped her into his arms and charged back to the shore. Her clothes were soaked through. Her hair was dripping wet. And her body shook violently.

Damn you, Carlos. He watched the were-panther as it scrambled up the bluff. Where the hell are ye going?

None of your business. The were-panther stopped at the top of the bluff and peered down at them. I'll be back by sunrise. Have fun, Big Red. Is it true what they say, that a good Vamp can last all night long?

Piss off. Robby heard a strange huffing sound that sounded like a feline chuckle, then the were-panther scampered off.

Olivia wrapped a trembling, cold hand around his neck. "How d-d-did a jaguar g-g-get here?"

"Let's get you warmed up." He strode toward the stairs.

"Robby." She touched his face with icy fingers. "Th-Thank you."

She was turning blue. He should teleport straight to the patio. It was the fastest way to get her in the hot tub. And the surest way to provoke some unwanted questions.

Forgive me. He hugged her tight against his chest and invaded her mind with a surge of vampire mind control. Normally, a mortal would feel a blast of cold air when a vampire took over their mind, but in Olivia's case, she was already freezing to death.

Sleep, he commanded.

She went limp, and he teleported them to the patio.

Olivia felt deliciously warm and cozy as she slowly awoke. Someone was stroking her cheek and brushing her hair back from her brow. Soft fingers. A deep, sexy voice.

"Wake up, sweetheart."

Robby. That made her smile. Her eyes opened and there he was, his handsome face shrouded in mist. Unfortunately, her mind was just as foggy. She was up to her neck in hot churning water? "Where am I?"

"Ye're in the Jacuzzi of the villa where I'm staying. Ye needed to warm up as quickly as possible."

Her sleepy brain fumbled for an explanation, then she remembered and sat up with a jolt. "There was a jaguar! On Patmos! How on earth did it get here?"

"I - well - "

"I thought I was a goner." She pressed a hand to her chest, then gasped when she felt bare skin. Good God, she was only wearing her bra and underwear. "Where did my clothes go?"

"Over there." He motioned with his head, and she spotted a heap of wet clothes on the stone floor next to a chaise lounge.

"I don't recall taking them off." And what the heck was she doing on his lap? She lurched to the other side of the hot tub and glared at him. "What did you do to me?"

His jaw shifted. "I took off yer wet clothes."

"Did I give you permission?"

"Nay, ye were unconscious. And turning blue. I was trying to save you."

Heat invaded her cheeks. She wasn't used to men seeing her without her clothes on. And here she was in her boring white cotton bra and panties. Damn, if only she'd worn her black lace undies.

She winced inwardly. She'd come close to getting mauled by a jaguar, and all she could think about was the sexiness factor of her underwear? She must be in shock. Or suffering from hypothermia. Or fuzzy-headed from being unconscious. She rubbed her forehead. She was overanalyzing again. "I apologize. You did the right thing."

A corner of his mouth lifted. "It was a tough job, but someone had to do it. I could say that I refrained from leering or drooling, but that would be a lie."

Her blush grew hotter. "Well, thank you for your honesty. And your bravery. I can't believe you chased away that huge jaguar. You were incredible."

He shrugged one shoulder. "I couldna let it harm you."

Her gaze dropped to his broad shoulders, and then his bare chest. He'd run down to the beach in his underwear to rescue her. "You saved me."

"Ye tried to stop me," he whispered.

Her gaze lifted to his eyes and her heart fluttered in her chest. "Well, there was no sense in both of us getting mauled to death."

"Ye wanted to protect me."

The look in his eyes was so intense, she was starting to tingle all over. Now she felt strangely overdressed.

His eyes darkened. "Ye were willing to face danger alone in order to keep me safe."

She squirmed on the molded seat. She shouldn't have left his lap. She could be touching him right now. He could be touching her. "I-I assume you called the police about the jaguar?"

He hesitated.

She sat up. "You didn't call?"

"Ye were unconscious. I couldn't let go of you."

She stood. "We have to call. Right away."

"I - " His gaze shifted downward.

She glanced down. Her wet cotton bra had molded to her like a second skin, clearly showing her ni**les, which were now reacting to the cold air. She ducked into the water up to her chin. "Can you make the call, please?"

A hint of red glimmered in his eyes, and he rubbed them. "I'll be right back." He surged out of the Jacuzzi, water dripping from his body and black boxer shorts.

She watched as he strode to the house. There was something odd about his eyes. They seemed to get irritated easily. Her gaze wandered over his broad shoulders and strong back, then zeroed in on his backside. The wet black cotton was glued to his bu**ocks, clearly showing the muscles at work with each step he took.

She licked her lips. "Could you bring me a glass of water?"

He glanced over his shoulder as he opened the door. "Aye. Just a minute."

She moved across the tub so she could see him through the large plate-glass window. His back was still to her as he talked on the phone. He'd left the back door open, so she was able to catch most of his conversation.

"Does anyone there speak English?" he asked after connecting with the police. "Good. I need to report a - an incident. 'Tis a wee bit strange, and ye may find it hard to believe - aye, I am speaking English."

Olivia chuckled. Then Robby turned slightly, and her jaw dropped. Good God. The front of his boxer shorts was protruding.

"There was a jaguar on the beach at Petra. A ja-gu-ar," he repeated slowly. "No, no' the car. The cat. A black panther. Nay, it wasna a big house cat. 'Twas a panther."

Robby raked a hand through his long hair, inadvertently giving Olivia an excellent profile of his washboard abs. She gulped. His flat stomach made the swelling in his underwear look even bigger.

"No, I'm no' high on any drugs," Robby growled. "And I can tell the difference between a bloody goat and a panther. Hello? Hello?" He hung up and walked out of her view.

With a grimace, Olivia settled back into the Jacuzzi. The police thought it was prank call. Who could blame them? How on earth could a jaguar get on a Greek isle?

And where was it now? She looked about nervously. She'd seen the cat scamper up a rocky bluff not far from here. What if the Jacuzzi was his favorite watering hole? She'd look like a yummy morsel, floating in the middle. She needed to relocate fast.

Robby heated up a bottle of synthetic blood in the microwave. He needed to take the edge off his appetite before returning to Olivia. He smiled to himself as he fixed her a glass of ice water. Carlos was right. If he played his cards right, he could get lucky. Hell, he'd been lucky ever since he'd met Olivia. She was the best thing that had happened to him since...he thought back. Lord Almighty, since he'd been transformed in 1746.

He needed to be careful so he wouldn't lose her. Or frighten her away. He glanced at his swollen groin and winced. He looked like he'd been playing the old bagpipe.

The microwave dinged, and he guzzled down half the bottle of warm synthetic blood. It was just as well the police in Skala hadn't believed his panther story. He sure didn't want them roaming the island with rifles, looking for Carlos.

Maybe he'd been too hard on the shape-shifter. There was a full moon tonight, so Carlos might have been forced to shift. Still, he shouldn't have terrorized Olivia just to help Robby have a hot date. He recalled how good she had felt in his arms, how she managed to look both sexy and innocent in her white brassiere and knickers. And she was waiting for him in the hot tub. His groin stiffened just thinking about her all hot and wet.