Menina. Not quite Spanish, but close. "You're...Portuguese?"

"Brazilian. From Rio." He winked. "If you ever want to samba, I'm your man."

"Ah. I'll keep that in mind."

He sniffed, and his gaze shifted to Eleni's tote bag. "Is that lamb? It smells delicious."

"It is delicious," Eleni announced. "My granddaughter is an excellent cook."

"Excellent timing. I'm starving." The man stepped back and motioned for them to enter. "Please come in."

"Thank you." Olivia stepped into a narrow foyer, followed by her grandmother. She noted a large icon of the Apostle John, patron saint of Patmos, on the wall. "Are you on vacation, Mister...?"

"Panterra. But call me Carlos. And no." He led them into a large family room. "I'm working here like Robby."

Olivia glanced around the empty room. "Where is Robby?"

"He's not available right now. He...had to go to Horos on business."

It was a lie. Olivia stiffened and glanced at her grandmother. By the look on Yia Yia's face, she'd caught it, too. "When do you expect him back?"

"This evening. Sometime after sunset."

That was the truth. Olivia wondered what Robby was doing that took all day. The family room was tastefully furnished, but not filled with expensive artwork or anything else that warranted extra security. "You work for the same company as Robby? MacKay Security and Investigation?"

"Yes. Are you investigating us, Olivia?" He looked back, his amber eyes twinkling.

"I was just hoping to see Robby."

"Believe me, menina. He will be very sorry he missed you." Carlos escorted them into a roomy country kitchen, decorated in blue and yellow.

Eleni plunked the tote bag on the kitchen table, then began removing foiled-wrapped packages. "These should go in the refrigerator, and when you're ready to eat, you should heat it up properly in the oven."

"Yes, ma'am." Carlos bowed his head, and his long black hair fell forward, obscuring his face. "We will follow your instructions exactly."

"Hmm." Eleni leaned close to her granddaughter and muttered, "I've never seen so many security guards in need of a decent haircut."

Olivia winced, but Carlos simply chuckled and hooked his black shoulder-length hair behind his ears. A gold stud gleamed in each earlobe.

He picked up the food packages and began stashing them in the fridge. "Is there a message you'd like me to pass on to Robby?"

"Not really." Olivia grabbed the empty tote bag. "I'll come back this evening."

"Good." Carlos smiled as he closed the refrigerator door.

Olivia could sense a great deal of amusement coming from him, but there was something more. Excitement. Anticipation. And underlying it all, a hint of deception.

She and her grandmother left and headed back home. Eleni was unusually quiet as they walked, and Olivia felt an aura of concern radiating from her.

"Are you tired, Yia Yia? I could call a cab."

She shook her head. "I walk like this every day. It's good for me." She grew silent again, frowning at the road.

"It's a shame we missed Robby," Olivia murmured. "Does it seem strange to you that there are two security men at that house? I didn't see anything that needed protecting."

"Carlos lied about Robby," Eleni said.

"I know." What was Robby doing that needed to be kept secret?

"There's something strange about that Carlos," Eleni whispered. "But I can't figure out what it is."

"I'll go back tonight and get some answers."

Eleni cast her a worried look. "Are you sure it's safe?"

Olivia patted her on the back. "I'm fully trained in self-defense. I can take care of myself."

That evening after sunset, Olivia strolled down the Grikos beach, headed for Robby's house. A full moon hung heavy in the sky, casting sparkles on the sea. The breeze was chilly, and she was glad she'd worn a jacket over her sweater. She strode around Petra - or Kallikatsou, as the locals called it - and spotted the house she'd visited that morning. From the back, she could see the extensive garden and stone columns. She surveyed the rocky bluff, searching for steps that would lead up to the house.

A sudden movement caught her eye, a black blur that seemed to fly off the bluff and land with a soft thud on the sand.

Her heart lurched. She blinked her eyes to make sure she was seeing right. A cat. A giant, hulking black cat.

A jaguar? On Patmos? It bared its teeth and growled at her.

A chill settled over her, prickling her skin. She could die. She couldn't outrun a jaguar. She had no weapons, and she doubted her martial arts could save her from those vicious claws and gleaming white teeth.

The giant cat watched her with golden eyes; then, with a slow, graceful move of its big paw, it took a quiet, lethal step toward her.

She could only think she'd better not act like prey. She glared at the cat, then screamed as loud as she could. The cat snarled and took another step toward her.

She couldn't retreat without getting caught. She couldn't climb the bluff faster than the cat. She sure didn't want to advance toward it. That left the sea. Cold and treacherous with a strong undertow caused by the full moon.

She could only hope the jaguar didn't like cold water.


Robby had just stepped out of the shower when he heard a scream. A feminine scream. He dropped his towel, pulled on a pair of boxer shorts, and strode into the family room. "Carlos, did ye hear something?"

The shape-shifter was gone.

Robby stepped onto the patio. A chilly wind slapped his bare skin and whipped his wet hair across his face. He shoved his hair back and noted the steam coming up from the Jacuzzi. Carlos must have turned it on, but where was he? Robby strode to the edge of the bluff and looked down.

Damn it to hell. He'd found Carlos. And Olivia.

Something must have snapped in the were-panther's head, 'cause for some insane reason, he was terrorizing Olivia. He stalked along the water's edge, a large beast with a shiny black coat and a long pair of canine teeth that made Robby's fangs look downright wimpy in comparison.

Carlos was purposely pushing her into the cold sea. Damn him. Robby could hear her teeth chattering.

"Olivia!" He called out to her. "Hold on! I'll be right there." He sprinted to the stairs. It was tempting to jump off the bluff or teleport down, but he didn't want to cause her further alarm. He didn't think Carlos would actually hurt her. Not if the bastard wanted to live through the night.

"Robby, no!" Olivia screamed. "Don't come down here!"

She was trying to protect him? His beautiful, sweet Olivia was so brave. "I'll be right there!"

"Just call the police," she yelled. "Please! I don't want you to get hurt." She moved toward the beach, but Carlos pounced toward her, splashing his front paws in the water. She lurched back, now up to her waist in the chilly surf.

Robby paused at the bottom of the stairs with a sudden realization. Olivia was loyal. He could trust her. After all these years, he'd finally found a trustworthy woman.

He couldn't let her go. He strode onto the beach.

"Robby, no." Her voice cracked with emotion, and he could see the tears on her face. "Go away before it sees you."

Lord Almighty, he could love this woman forever. He stepped closer, and Carlos whipped around, hissing at him.

Robby attempted vampire mind control, focusing all his mental powers on the were-panther. He hit a rock-solid barrier.

Bugger. The shape-shifter had good defenses. That would normally be a good thing since it meant Carlos would be impervious to any control by the Malcontents. But it didn't help the situation now.

"Ye crazy cat," Robby whispered. "What the hell are ye doing?"

The were-panther snarled, showing his gleaming white, sharp teeth. Attack me, Big Red. Make it look good.

Robby stiffened. He hadn't realized Carlos was capable of telepathic communication while in cat form. What are ye doing here?

Waiting for you to chase me off. Come on, dude. Rescue the fair maiden. Be a hero.

This was a matchmaking scheme? Robby balled his hands into fists. Ye bloody bastard. Ye're scaring her to death.

Carlos growled. That's the thanks I get. Look, if you play your cards right, you'll get lucky. The hot tub's ready -

"Get the hell out of here!" Robby charged toward him.