Carlos spun and aimed a roundhouse kick at Robby's chest. With vampire speed, he seized Carlos's leg and hurled him through the air.

Carlos fell on his rump. "Umph."

Robby cocked an eyebrow. "I thought cats always landed on their feet."

Carlos snorted, then rolled onto his back and leaped forward into a standing position. "One point for you, Big Red."

"What do ye know of the three men?" Robby moved forward, forcing the were-panther to retreat toward the reflection pool.

Carlos grinned. "How badly do you want to know?"

"Enough to rip yer arms off if ye continue to play cat and mouse with me."

"You can't blame me for acting like a cat." Carlos feinted to the right, then danced to the left. "I heard the grandmother favors Spiro. He's a goat herder."

"A goat herder?"

"A very good-looking one. I've seen him."

Robby couldn't imagine Olivia being content to live out the rest of her days on an island with a goat herder. Even though he was undead, he could show her the world. He could help her with her work at the FBI. Thanks to Roman's scientific breakthrough, he could even father children. Surely he was better suited for her than a goat herder.

But a goat herder could be with her during the day. Or maybe not. Didn't he have to be with his goats? The more Robby considered it, the more he decided he had a fighting chance.

"I saw her, too." Carlos snuck behind Robby.

He pivoted. "Ye saw Olivia?"

"Oh, yeah. I can see why you have the hots for her." Carlos made sizzling sounds while he wiped his hands on his hips.

Robby's hands curled into fists.

"I saw her and her grandmother coming out of the butcher's shop. Man, what a rack!"

With a growl, Robby lunged forward at vampire speed and seized Carlos by the neck.

"Rack of lamb," Carlos squeaked. "That's what they bought."

Robby eased his grip. "Ye'd better have nine lives, ye mangy cat, for I canna allow you to insult...Olivia." With a shock, he realized he'd come damned close to saying "my woman." Somehow in just a few nights, he'd become obsessed with her. He still managed to be realistic, though. There was so much he didn't know about her. What if she couldn't be trusted? An employee from the FBI might be more inclined to kill a vampire than date one. He didn't want to fall in love just to have his heart crushed with betrayal.

Carlos cocked an eyebrow. "How many lives do you have, muchacho?"

Robby felt a slight jab in his stomach and glanced down to discover a knife pointed at his belly. "Ye brought a weapon? That's cheating."

"You think a Malcontent's going to fight fair?" Carlos smirked. "I win."

"Nay." Robby gave the were-panther's throat a slight squeeze. "I could have pinched yer head off. I win."

"I would have stabbed you first." Carlos gave him a little poke. "I win."

With vampire speed, Robby seized the knife and tossed it away. Before Carlos could even object, Robby picked him up and dropped him with a splash in the reflection pool.

"Merda," Carlos growled.

"I win." With a smile, Robby grabbed the fallen knife and circled the garden, cutting flowers.

"The mighty warrior gathering flowers." Carlos climbed out of the reflection pool, his white pants dripping. "You are so owned." He walked over to Robby, then shook his head vigorously, causing water to fly off his long black hair and shower Robby. "Take that."

Robby continued to smile. He was going to shower anyway before his date with Olivia.

"Did you see him?" Eleni asked as she fixed herself some tea. "Is he coming?"

"Not yet." Olivia shut the back door behind her. She'd just checked the beach, but no sign of Robby.

Eleni yawned. "It's after eleven. Why does he keep such late hours?"

"I don't know." Olivia had mixed feelings about her grandmother's insistence on meeting Robby. No doubt she intended to interrogate him. "You don't have to stay up, you know."

"Of course I do. I have to make sure this young man is a decent sort." Eleni set her mug on the kitchen table with a clunk. "He should court you at a proper time."

"He's not courting me."

Eleni snorted. "He'd better be. If he can't see what a prize you are, then - " Her eyes widened. "Is that him?"

Olivia whirled to look out the windowpane in the back door. There was a man in the courtyard, standing with his back to them. Moonlight glinted off his red hair. Robby. Her heart began to pound. How thrilling...and confusing. She'd just checked the beach and it had been empty. How had he arrived here so fast?

Eleni scurried to the kitchen window and peered out. "Agios Kyrios, he's a big man. Looks very strong."

"Yes." Olivia hesitated with her hand on the doorknob. He must be waiting for her to join him. "Can you sense his emotions?"

Eleni tilted her head, concentrating. "No, I can't." She slanted a sly grin at her granddaughter. "I've never met a man of mystery before. How exciting."

Olivia sighed as she peered out the window. He was exciting. And so gorgeous. But still a little scary.

"I like his hair," Eleni whispered. "It reminds me of a fiery sunset over the sea."

"Yes," Olivia whispered back. "He's the most beautiful man I've ever met."

Suddenly he turned toward them.

Eleni gasped. "He brought flowers! Olivia, he is courting you."

"I don't think so." Her cheeks grew hot.

"Don't just stand there." Eleni smoothed her gray hair into the bun at the base of her neck. "Invite him in."

She opened the door. "Hi, Robby."

"Olivia." He smiled slowly.

She smiled back, completely mesmerized by his green eyes that focused on her so intently.

"Let him in," Eleni hissed, snapping Olivia back to reality.

"Please come in." Olivia stepped back. "Watch your head."

Robby leaned over slightly to keep from hitting the top of the old, blue-painted door frame. "This is for you." He offered her a bouquet of roses and gardenias as he entered the kitchen.

"Thank you." When she realized the flowers were loose, she grabbed at them with both hands to keep from losing any. Her fingers brushed against his hand, and zings of excitement raced up her arms.

It was the first time she'd touched him. Her cheeks blazed with heat, and she glanced at him, overwhelmed suddenly with a feeling of awkward shyness.

"Ye're so beautiful," he whispered.

Her heart melted, and she held the bouquet against her chest. Once again his gaze captured her eyes. Tingles shimmered down her arms and legs. Oh God, she wanted this man. She was actually falling for a man she couldn't read.

Eleni cleared her throat.

"Oh." Olivia stepped back. "This is my grandmother, Eleni Sotiris."

"Mrs. Sotiris, it is a pleasure." Robby bowed to her. "I am Robert Alexander MacKay."

"Please have a seat." Eleni motioned to the kitchen table and chairs. "Would you like something to drink? Some wine? Hot tea?"

Robby sat at the table. "Some...tea would be nice."

"Excellent." Eleni plucked a mug off a cupboard shelf. "So why do you keep such late hours, Mr. MacKay?"

Olivia glanced at him as she arranged the flowers in an old pickle jar. She hoped he didn't mind being interrogated.

He smiled at her. "I'm busy during the day, providing security at a villa on the other side of Petra."

"I thought you were a soldier." Olivia set the jar of flowers on the table.

"I was, but I work for a private company now. MacKay Security and Investigation."

"MacKay?" Olivia sat beside him. "Is it a family business?"

"Aye. My grandfather owns it. 'Tis based in London and Edinburgh, but we have clients all around the world."

"Is your grandfather married?" Eleni asked as she set a mug of tea in front of him.

"Yia Yia," Olivia whispered with a warning look.

She shrugged. "I'm a single woman. And if the grandfather looks anything like this one..." She gave Robby an appreciative look.

Robby's mouth twitched. "I'm afraid my grandfather has recently remarried."

"Humph. Well, that's his loss." Eleni pulled on oven mitts, then began removing pans from the oven. "Are you single, Mr. MacKay?"