Page 53 of Reckless Liar

“I know,” I murmured as he stepped closer. He took my hands, pushing them down until he could look at my body again.

I was on fire under his gaze. Everywhere his eyes went it felt as if it was his hands, or his mouth, trailing across my skin. Slowly he brought his eyes back up to mine. “When you finally let me love you, Ana…” he dipped his face down to press a small kiss to my lips. “You’re going to love me back.”

He stepped away, leaving me breathless. I closed my eyes, listening as he retreated to his room.

Chapter twenty-one

“It's just water.” -Eloise, age seventeen, caught with vodka at a football game.

Standingaroundalargebonfire with a bottle of cheap beer in my hand, I wondered what the hell I was doing at a party like this. I didn’t like these types of get-togethers when I was in high school, back when drinking with a large group of people only made sense twenty miles from civilization and any discernible police force. Now that we’re adults, being here felt even more ridiculous. But Xander had agreed to go and when he asked me to come with him, I couldn’t say no to him.

When I got there, I was shocked to see Eloise standing next to the keg, a red cup in her hand. In the flickers of the oversized bonfire, I could see she was wearing a tight pink sweater that looked too thin for spending a night outside. Xander and I exchanged a wordless glance, agreeing to look out for her.

She told me that one of her friends dragged her to the party so she could spend the night with her boyfriend who seemed to be friends with Cory. I fought the urge to lecture her on underage drinking and tried to keep a close eye on her.

I felt Cory sidle up to me, two beers in his hands. He held one out to me and I took it, twisting off the cap. “So, you’re not dating Mr. Eberhardt, are you?” Cory asked.

I took a swig of my beer, glancing at Xander who was talking with Eloise. “No, I wouldn’t say that—“

“Good,” Cory interrupted.

I raised an eyebrow. “Okay?”

“Cause if you’re not seeing him, I can take you out,” Cory finished. Didn’t he see Xander and I kissing in my car?

I could sense Xander coming behind me, his hand resting on my shoulder. “You’re not taking her out, Cory.”

I glanced up at him, torn between being annoyed that he spoke for me and thankful I had an excuse not to go out with this kid.

“She said you guys aren’t—“ something in Xander’s face stopped Cory from continuing. “Right, sorry boss. I’m going to get another beer. That girl in the pink sweater looks like she might need a refill too.”

Xander looked over at Eloise and shook his head. “Don’t even try with her.”

Cory frowned at Xander but didn’t question him. When he walked away Xander took his hand off my shoulder. The absence of his touch left a pang in my stomach. I turned to face him.

“You scared him away quick,” I teased.

Xander looked at his retreating employee with narrowed eyes. “Little weasel. I told you, he likes you. He was asking all sort of questions after the other day.”

“Like it matters, Xander.” I rolled my eyes. “I’m not interested.”

“I hope not.” He responded quickly. His gaze was so intense, that I had to look away or I’d get caught in it.

“Where’s that girl you were talking to?” I asked, trying to keep my voice as nonchalant as possible.

“What girl?” His eyebrows furrowed together.

I waved a hand in the direction he was standing earlier. “That girl. The pretty one. I saw her flirting with you.”

He glanced around the party, the same confused look on his face. “Who? Do you mean Eloise’s friend? She’s a kid, Ana.”

“Seems like you two were quite chummy over there.” I tried to sound blithe, but I couldn’t help my acrid tone.

He shook his head, frowning. “I wouldn’t flirt with her. She can barely buy a lotto ticket.”

I quirked an eyebrow at him. “Well, she was sure flirting with you.”

“She was not. We were just talking. Eloise was there the whole time.”