Page 220 of The Choice

“Some cuts and bruises, I think. You?”

“The same. We’ll heal. I’m sick about Sedric, and I can’t really work it into my mind he’s left us. He was family to me.”

“I know. Harken?”

“Barely a scratch. I swear to all the gods and goddesses, for a farmer he fights like a wild man. I lost sight of him so many times, and the fear—we won’t feel that fear again. We’ll live as we’ve chosen. I think I’ll have a half dozen babies. At least that’s what I’m thinking at the moment.”

She glanced back. “He’s in the stables now, seeing to the new mother and the colt he’s named Solas, in honor of the day. It means light.”

“A very good name. I’m going to go clean up, but I’m coming back.”

“I could use a wash myself. Now I’m thinking I’ll go pull my husband along to take that wash with me. We’ve got to start on those babies sometime.”

She walked over with Marco, and while Bollocks took his swim, indulged in a very long shower. She discovered more cuts and bruises than she’d felt during the heat of it all, and spent time to heal them.

Then she changed into a pretty summer dress.

She studied herself in the mirror, the pretty dress of summer blue, the earrings Keegan had inexplicably given her, the cute—and impractical—summer sandals.

“You don’t look like a warrior. Don’t feel like one either, and hope never to be or feel like one ever again.”

She came down to find Keegan sitting at the table on her patio with a bottle of wine. One glass in his hand, and the other waiting for her.

Bollocks slept at his feet.

He kept staring out at the bay when she stepped out.

“Marco went back over, all dressed in his finery.”

He hadn’t changed, she noted, but still wore his battle gear and blood.

“I thought you wouldn’t mind the wine and a few minutes of the quiet before we go back. I could use a time away from the crowd.”

“Suits me.”

When she came around the table, he looked at her and got to his feet.

“You look very fine.”

“Thanks. I wanted a major change from before. I may burn what I took off.”

“I should’ve thought to wash and change.”

“You’ve been busy.” Her brows lifted when he held her chair out. “Thanks. And this is just perfect.”

“Bollocks the Brave and True fought brave and true today. He’s tired out now.”

“I know the feeling.”

“Every loss is a loss, but Sedric… It cuts deep.”

“For all of us.”

“Sure I’m sorry to ask you to go back, but it’s important. My mother’s seeing to things now, but… it’s important.”

“Oh no, I want to go back—but sitting here for a little while first is just what I need. I want to go back, be part of it. Be there if Nan needs me, see the new colt.”

“He’s a beauty.”