Page 179 of The Choice

“Crap, do I have to get another one now?”


“What’s it say? I can’t read that stuff.”

“Daughter of the Fey.”

He blew out a breath. “Well, hell, I get why. How come it’s not all pink yet?”

“It’s still sore, but with party time I didn’t want it to look funny, so I—” She wiggled her fingers.

“Good thinking. We do look total, you and me.”

She picked up the gifts. “Let’s go see our mom.”

It felt good to walk into Sally’s, see the club crazily decorated for his birthday. Derrick’s doing, Breen thought. They’d come early, so only a scatter of tables had customers, and another scatter on barstools where a woman with short raven hair and huge, brilliant blue eyes held a conversation with one of the stool sitters.

She even looked like a faerie, Breen thought, with her big almond-shaped eyes, sharp cheekbones. Those brilliant blue eyes looked up and beamed welcome.

Marco didn’t hesitate but went straight over. “Hey, Joey.”

The bar sitter popped up. “Marco! Haven’t seen you in forever. Everybody said you’d— Breen!” He grabbed them both in one-armed hugs. “It’s reunion time, and I’m buying. Hey, this is Meabh. She’s from over where you guys are hanging out.”

“My replacement.”

She sparkled at Marco. “Ah now, sure and no one could replace the amazing Marco. I’m so pleased to meet you both at last.”

“She makes a Cosmo,” Joey claimed, “that’s magic.”

“I bet she does.” Breen held out a hand. “Greetings from home.Thank you,” she said softly as Marco and Joey caught up. “For all you’re doing.”

“No need for it. I like the apartment very much, and here, well, it’s another home. They treat me like family and make me feel it. That’s a gift.”

Studying her, Breen understood. “You’re going to stay.”

“For a time, at least.” She touched a fingertip just below Breen’s new tattoo. “As will you, each our found places.”

“We’ll catch a drink later,” Marco told Joey. “We want to see Sally before the party gets going.”

“In his dressing room,” Meabh told them. “Making himself gorgeous.”

“I’m coming back.” Marco pointed at her. “We’re going to have us a Cosmo mix-off.”

“I’ll take that challenge, brother.”

As they started back, Derrick came out. Both hands went to his lips, and above them his eyes teared up.

“I don’t believe it. I can’t believe it. Oh man, man. Let me look at you. Both of you.”

After hugs, hard and long, he touched Breen’s hair, rubbed Marco’s goatee. “You’re really here. You don’t know how happy this is going to make him. How long are you staying?”

“Just tonight. We’re taking the train to New York tomorrow, having some meetings, and heading back from there.”

“Listen to you.” He teared up again. “Going to New York for meetings. I don’t know what that is”—he pointed to the bigger package—“but it’s not nearly as big a gift as having the two of you here, even for just tonight.”

“We couldn’t miss Sally’s birthday. But”—Marco patted the package—“I think this is going to be a hit.”

“Let’s go find out. Well, Jesus, you’ve got to tell us everything. Where’s that handsome fiancé of yours, my boy?”