Page 172 of The Choice

“No, but you can have that one, too. He said, ‘Don’t get cocky.’”

He laughed and rolled on top of her. “Now you’ve challenged me and my cock, so sleep has to wait a bit more.”


Worry didn’t help, but it simmered under the surface in the days that followed. And when it bubbled up, she tried, through the globe, through the fire, to see more.

But Odran’s world stayed in the shadows even as April burst and bloomed.

She packed as carefully and lightly as possible, reminded herself they’d be gone only a handful of days. But those days held a party at Sally’s, meetings in New York.

And her mother.

“I just can’t take you,” she said as Bollocks continued to sulk. “And you know you’ll have a good time with Nan, with Brian, with Keegan. And you’ll spend time at the farm with the kids and Mab and Darling.”

When he just lowered his head, she sighed. “Honestly, it’s only three days.”

Keegan walked into the bedroom as she added just one more thing to her jammed suitcase.

Surprised, and guilty, she flipped down the lid. “I thought I’d see you on the other side.”

“Marg gave me a look.”

“A look?”

“A look that said I should come haul your bags over for you.” Now he gave her suitcase, laptop case, and shoulder tote a look. “Three days, you said. Not three weeks or a month or half a year.”

“I have… activities. Varied activities that require different clothes. You can bet Marco’s got at least this much, so don’t start.”

“He can haul his own, or have Brian do it.”

“I could just, you know.” She waved a hand. “Send it.”

“You could, but I’m here, as magicks don’t always need to stand for muscle.” He lifted the suitcase she’d zipped closed. “Which is needed. Do you pack stones to take back for souvenirs?”

When you had clothes you actually liked, she thought, it was hard to decide exactly what to pack. So rather than answer, she lifted the tote and her laptop.

A year or so before, she considered, she could have packed using the tote alone. Because her clothes had been beige and boring.

So the suitcase just demonstrated positive change.

“Since you’re being helpful, you can carry Sally’s present.”

He put the colorfully wrapped package under his arm.

“It’s a fine gift. He’ll be pleased, I’m sure. Is this all of it then, or do you have another bag tucked away?”

“That’s it, and if you’re going to complain so much, I’ll ask Marg to save her looks.”

“I wouldn’t mind that. They’re rare but ferocious.”

She decided to be amused as they started downstairs with the dog slowly trailing after.

Marco and Brian stood in the living room sunk in a kiss, with Marco’s bags at their feet.

“He doesn’t have so much as you,” Keegan pointed out.

“Because I’ve got the gift, and… girl things.”