Page 158 of The Choice

“Seems to me you need a website.”

“Yeah, they said something about that, once it’s all set up, and funded and we have a mission statement. And it started to make my head spin.”

“Uh-huh. You gotta have a name for it.”

“I thought… Finding You. I don’t know if it works.”

“It does. It all works. It’s my Breen. You’re my Breen, and all this you’ve had brewing? It’s just another reason you’ll be kicking ass.”

“You’re not upset about the will? It’s just a practicality.”

“Since you’re not going to die, I don’t care about that. It gives you peace of mind. Now put that on. I want to see it on you.”

When she did, he studied it. “The stone got brighter.”

“It did?” Frowning, she looked down. “I— It didn’t before. It is brighter.”

“Maybe that’s because you didn’t have me and this good dog here talking some sense into you. You’re strong and you’re going to stay strong. Now, since you’re going to start giving money away, you ought to get in there and earn more. You only have a few hours left before we should head over.”

She rose. “I wasn’t going to tell you.”

Shock just exploded over his face. “Say what?”

“I was wrong, and Keegan blasted me for even thinking about not telling you. Now I’m going to have to tell him, all over again, that I was wrong and he was right.”

Marco stroked his goatee. “Is that gonna hurt some?”

“Oh yeah, but you know what? I’m strong enough to take it.”


It would be one of those days, Breen thought. A bit cooler, off-and-on rain. And early training.

“We go from sword to archery,” Keegan told her. “Morena, as you see”—he gestured toward the target where Morena stood with Marco—“will take Marco through the same, but in reverse.”

Since Breen heard their laughter, she already felt cheated.

“They sound like they’re having fun with it.”

Keegan gave his usual shrug. “Morena’s pleased I asked her to work with Marco, as Harken and Seamus are in the fields for shearing sheep.”

Keegan put a hand on the hilt of his sword. “With me first, then with wraiths.”

“Wait. Before we get started on my daily torture, I want to tell you you weren’t just right about Marco, about me telling him.”

Impatience shimmered, but she’d gotten used to it. “How was I wrong?”

“I mean you were right, but more, he didn’t get upset, not the way I expected. He got pissed, said it was all bullshit and words to that effect. That I’d kick Odran’s ass. And that he believed in me.”

“People who expect less and to be treated as less often get less.”

“That’s one philosophy. And he told me to put the pendant on, and when I did, the stone went brighter. I felt it. I felt more from it.”

“You don’t wear it now.”

“It’s not something I’d wear for training.”

“Wear it tomorrow, and we’ll see. Now. Defend.”