Page 101 of The Choice

“Brian said he told you he was gonna. And you didn’t say a word.”

“Itkilledme. Now tell me, tell me everything! How did he ask, where, when?”

“Don’t you want to know if I said yes?”

“As if you said anything else.”

“Let me go toss the bag in the house, and I’ll walk back with you.”

She waved a hand, and the bag vanished. “In your room. Done. Tell before I explode.”

“Midnight picnic.”

“Oh, oh, oh!” She punctuated by slapping a hand to her heart on each syllable.

He told her as they walked, and as her tears fell like the rain.

“It’s all so beautiful, so romantic and perfect. So you and Brian.”

“His mother cried like you are—that kind of crying. They’re just like super great, Breen. I cried some, too, when she said I should call her Ma. If I wanted.”

“I love her already.”

“Brian said you told him I’d want two weddings, one here, one at Sally’s. You really know me, girl.”

“No one better.”

“We’re thinking maybe September for the one here, around when we met, like an anniversary.”

“And the romance keeps coming.”

“His mom wants a big splash.”

“I told you I love her already.”

“Oh man, me, too! The way she’s talking it’d be a lot like Morena and Harken’s. A big-ass Fey wedding.

“For the one at Sally’s, we’ll see if we go before or after that. Because after, right? He really shouldn’t leave until after. So maybe more like November, or over into January.”

“You know, earlier I was thinking how I’ve got more than I ever thought I could, how my life is so big now, so good, and if I could just put off the rest. And now? I want the damn after to hurry up.”

“Doesn’t matter when, Breen.”

Everything about him glowed as he spoke, and it made Breen tear up again.

“We’re pledged. Brian asked his brother to stand for him at the wedding at his home, and he was going to ask Keegan if he’d do it, if he’d come and stand for him at Sally’s. You’ll stand for me for both, won’t you?”

As the rain poured, she turned to him, wrapped around him, and wept.

“Come on.” He kissed her hair. “Let’s get into the sunshine. When we get back, we’ll FaceTime Sally and Derrick.”

“Oh yes!”

“I’ll go back a little early,” he said as they stepped onto the branch. “You could help me barter for some fish, maybe. I can make some fish and chips.”

“Nope. I’ve taken care of dinner.”

Stunned, he looked at her and barely noticed the change from rain to sun. “You what now?”