Page 103 of The Girl Next Door

Her tiny hand between us and her dark red nails.

“Yes,” I said.

She brought my palm to her chest, pulling her dress down slightly. I closed my eyes and listened to her heart. I could feel it through my skin, hear it in my ears. Everything drowned out. It was just us in the room, and I wanted to kiss her, take her there.If I kiss you, will I die?I wondered, poetry spilling forth with no paper to take the ache.

Sorina’s other hand slipped into my shirt just a little, her fingertips tracing my chest. “I’ve been alone for a very long time, Nicholas. And I’ve been alive for a very long time. When I was a girl, I dreamed of a man. The other half of me—darkness, something my body could envelop, like the black in the eye of a crescent moon. I’ve always known I was destined for someone. And I thought I found him many years ago. But I was wrong, though I’m not sorry I had my time with him. He gave me my greatest gift in this life.”

“What was that?”

She looked up into my eyes, blue and pink at the edges, like she was about to cry. “A child. A beautiful baby girl. And she was mine for a while. I raised her, loved her, and taught her everything I knew—how to be strong, how to be careful, and how to protect herself. But, it wasn’t enough. And she’s gone now.”

I pulled Sorina closer, my mouth at her temple. “I’m … fuck. I’m so sorry.”

She was still in my arms, hard. “I don’t have time to love someone, Nicholas. I don’t have time to nurture, be soft, or be open. Because I have a job to do.”

I pulled away, looking down at her. “What do you mean?”

“I know who took my daughter. And I won’t rest until I’ve drained him, taken from him all he loves and holds dear. And if I love something again—lovesomeoneagain; their fate is to be hurt by him. I don’t want that for you. I can’t love until he is gone.”

“Where is he?” I asked, though I knew. I knew with every part of me.

Sorina smiled, eyes alight with something fearful. “He’s in this very room.”


School dances were ruined for me.

As I looked around the gym for the Deacon and my friends, Sorina slipped away, her white dress pooling around her. Before I could chase after her, I finally caught sight of someone. Jessica stood near an exit, waving me over. I snuck through dancing bodies and students mingling toward her. Everyone was a blur, but the sight of Eric Childress dancing with the new girl, Lauren, caught my eye, but before I could think much about it, I was at Jessica’s side. Just as she began to speak, the music stopped, and Principal Garrison’s voice came over the intercom. “Are we ready to crown the Hart Hollow Winter Snow Queen?” he asked. Cheers and hollering rang out as Jessica grabbed my arm.

“So when’s it going down?” she asked.

I looked down at her hand on my arm, and she let go, rolling her eyes. “When’s what going down?” I asked.

She crossed her arms. “I heard you talking to Billy. I know you’re sneaking him in.”

“Jesus Christ.” I groaned.

“Is a vampire,” she added as she narrowed her eyes.

We stared at each other as names were announced and our classmates carried on.

Finally, I spoke. “Did you hear everything I said then?”

Jessica nodded, and I stared into her eyes, daring her to tell me I was crazy.

She didn’t. “You can be incredibly dense sometimes, Nick.”

I corrected her, and she held up her hand. “Save it. Yes, I heard it all. And Billy’s right. Our dad used to peddle that vampire shit and MoMo and every scary story parents tell their kids when they’re young and dumb. But we aren’t little anymore and we have minds of our own.”

“And what does your mind think?” I asked.

“I think you’ve been too lovesick to notice your best friend is lying to you,” she said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Kyrie’s still having dreams.”

My heart stopped. “What? Did she tell you that?”