Page 105 of The Girl Next Door

“So two supposed vampires are missing, and so is our friend.” Jessica laughed, throwing her hands up, and for the briefest of seconds I found happiness in her calling Kyrie her friend.

“This is supposed to be a lockdown. No one in orout,” Nicole said, before whispering, “A vampire? What?”

“Yeah, like the shining professionals of Hart Hollow High are competent enough to pull that off. Look at me.” Billy laughed.

He was proof that someone could sneak in. Proof that someone could sneak out.

“Fuck,” I whispered, looking around. “Could she be in the school? Are her parents still here?”

We moved around the gym until we could see the Davis’s by the food table.

“What about her car? Should we check for it? What the fuck is going on?” Nicole asked.

“She wouldn’t just leave a school dance without saying goodnight. Something’s up, and we all know we need to go in that goddamn house.” Jessica glared at me and Billy. He narrowed his eyes at her and then shook his head. He was probably used to her eavesdropping over the years.

“Let’s check the classrooms and the restrooms, then we’ll go,” I said. The entrance to the hallway closest to the student lockers was manned by Mrs. Vaughn. Jessica saw me eyeing her.

“Go distract her. You know she wants to fuck you,” she said.

My stomach turned because I knew she was right. I hated her class because she reminded me of the woman at the ranch. Her hands didn’t touch me, but her eyes were hungry.

Billy clapped me on the back. “Lucky dog,” he said.

I wanted to shove him, to tell him why I hated it, but he didn’t know. Couldn’t know what I’d been through. Fucking an older woman like that was a badge of honor for some young men, but not me.

“Okay, I’ll get her away from the door, but what about me?” I asked.

Billy stepped forward. “When you lure her away from the door, the twins will go through while I cause a distraction, then you can go.”

“What about you?” I asked.

Billy grinned. “Well, I’m not supposed to be here. So what do you think they’re going to do with me?”

We all smiled.

“Once I’m out, I’ll circle back to the student parking. Let me in and I’ll help knock out all the classrooms. If we don’t find her, then…” He hesitated, the music around us upbeat and loud as we planned our dark night. “Then on to the Archer house.”

“You think something is going on here?” Nicole asked, far more innocent than her eavesdropping twin.

“You never know,” Billy replied, walking toward the punch bowl.

Jessica and Nicole smiled at me encouragingly, and we walked toward the door before breaking off as we neared Mrs. Vaughn.

I cleared my throat, adjusted my shirt collar, then rolled up the sleeves of my white button-down, exposing my forearms.

Mrs. Vaughn smiled wide when I approached. “Mr. Hemming, so nice to see you all dressed up. Are you enjoying yourself?” Her eyes were greedy as she took me in, looking up at me when she was done. I smiled my fakest smile and hoped it landed. It did, and I tried to keep my rolling stomach in check. “I sure am. You look nice tonight,” I replied.

In the low light in the gym, I saw her blush slightly. “Thank you. Mr. Vaughn hates this dress.” She smirked, tugging her neckline down slightly as she moved closer.

“That’s a shame,” I smiled, backing away from the door slightly.

Mrs. Vaughn moved forward as I’d hoped, away from the door. “Do you have a date tonight?” she asked.

Behind her, I saw Nicole and Jessica slink along the wall, Jess whispering in Nicole’s ear as they moved. Nicole’s eyes were wide as she likely took in the knowledge that we were hunting a vampire like a bunch of idiots.

I shook my head, then took another step back, pretending to stumble over my Converse. Mrs. Vaughn narrowed her eyes. “Are you okay, Nicholas?”

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my new truck keys. “Yeah, uh …” I hiccuped. “I think maybe I need to go home. Or lie down. I don’t know. That punch tasted weird.”