“But it wasouridea,” Rhy said, pointing at Zyr.

“We figured you’d need a lifetime supply here at Windroven,” Astar said with a wink, “to get you through the inevitable future visits with your new heart-family.”

“Hey,” Ash protested, “we’re not so bad that Jak will need to drink himself into a stupor.”

“Youaren’t,” Rhy replied.

“But we all know my mother can be,” Astar said with wry fervency.

“Ami is a good and loving person,” Jak replied staunchly.

They all gazed at him in varying degrees of bemusement and astonishment, except for Ash, who gave him a solemn nod of appreciative respect, along with a small salute.

Astar shook his head in his slow, grizzly-bear way, then clapped Jak on the shoulder. “Well, heart-brother, let’s tap this thing. Someone pry Rayfe off the father of the groom and let’s have a toast.”

~ 12 ~

“You look beyondbeautiful, Nilly,” Gen sighed dreamily. “Like a fairy princess.”

“Technically,” Lena said, looking thoughtful, “if you accept the commonly acknowledged premise that the Tala are the real-world equivalent of the fairies found in many folk-tales and associated mythologies, and since Nilly is the daughter of a queen, then she literallyisa fairy princess.”

Zeph threw Lena a sour glance. “You sound more like your mother every day.”

“As my mother is acknowledged in lands far and wide as a brilliant scholar, I appreciate the compliment,” Lena retorted, then stuck out her tongue.

“My wedding to Isyn was lovely,” Gen said, ignoring them both, “and I wouldn’t change a thing, but this one is already better. It’s good to be able to just wallow in the happiness without worrying if we’ll live to see tomorrow.”

“Any one of us could still die at any time,” Zeph replied philosophically, fussing with her up-do.

As had become their group tradition, her three friends had all put their hair up, so Stella could leave hers long and flowing. A veil of silver so pale it shimmered nearly white, so fine the light shone through it like the sun burning through fog, floated over her streaming black tresses, held in place by a delicately wrought garland of tiny flowers rendered in platinum, diamonds, pearls, and moonstone. It glittered like stars had become blossoms. Stella honestly loved it, acknowledging, if only to herself, hermother’s exquisite taste and perfect understanding of what her daughter loved.

The gown was similarly spectacular, shimmering with layers of translucent silvers and pale lace. It clung to her slight bosom and narrow waist, then spilled out into a fantastical array of skirts and coiling ribbons. Stella felt as if she were clothed in mist and starlight, glimmering with light and beauty instead of brooding shadows. Zeph had done Stella’s makeup, carefully applying it in such a way as to emphasize what Stella loved best about her own face, making her look stunning.

She felt as beautiful as her friends told her she was.

“Are you ready?” Lena asked, holding out the lavish bouquet of blossoms brought in from Annfwn, all in shades of ivory to purest white, tiny jasmine stars to florid lilies the size of her head, all redolently sweet, like a warm tropical night.

“Yes.” Stella beamed at the three of them, realizing she absolutelywasready, with no doubts in her heart or mind. Except one. “Has anyone seen what Jak is wearing?”

They all shook their heads. “If Astar knows,” Zeph said, “he’s not telling, which is wrong and unfair as I’d absolutely spy for him.”

“Maybe there’s a lesson there,” Gen said with a narrowed gaze.

Zeph sniffed at that. “I may be new to the whole exclusive love-affair thing, but even I know you’re supposed to share everything with each other.”

“But not necessarily spill it to other people,” Lena replied, “like when you warned Nilly that Jak had asked Astar for permission to court her.”

“I am justified by this happy ending,” Zeph protested, gesturing grandly at Stella. “What if Stella had chickened out back then and said no?”

They all looked at Stella as if she had the answer. She supposed she did—knowing that she’d been too cowardly to seize this profound and joyful intimacy far too many times. No more.

“I’m more than ready.” She took the bouquet, the heavy, tensile weight of it spilling down her ephemeral gown. A beautiful and welcome burden, much like the commitment she would be making to Jak. A sparkling and joyful one.

Jak shifted hisfeet restlessly. He really wished he hadn’t agreed to leave all of his blades off. The wait was unendurable. Surely Stella hadn’t changed her mind… “What is taking so long?” he complained.

“All brides are late,” Astar answered equably.

Rhy snorted. “As if you would know.”