Page 61 of Just Killing Time

Reason struggled to prevail against sensation. She slid up one step, physically gaining some distance, trying to get away from his sensual words, his hot, hard body and his heated touches even though she only wanted more of them.


He followed. “Yes.”

But instead of driving her down, proving to them both that she was a liar by using his physical strength or powers of sultry persuasion, he lifted up on his strong arms, removing his weight from her aroused, prone form. The separation was complete, as if he needed to get their brains engaged in this situation.

He looked down at her. The nearly-angry desire still shone on his face, but this time there were no orders, no demands. Just one simple question.

“Yes, Caroline?”

This was the moment. Here was the man she’d fallen in love with eight years ago. He didn’t need his looks, didn’t need his smile, his thick muscles. He only needed to be the good guy she knew he really was beneath the charm and the sexy cad routine.

Mick obviously wanted her with a desperation that bordered on obsession. But he was also stopping to make her decide, to give her the opportunity to say “no”—and actuallymeanit.

“Oh, hell yes.”

He sighed in relief. “Thank Christ.”

Once Caro made the decision to do what she’d been wanting to do since she’d first seen Mick weeks ago, she suddenly felt ravenous. She reached for the collar of his shirt, yanking it open, not caring that buttons went flying.

“I have to touch you,” she murmured, knowing her physical need throbbed in her voice.

He didn’t protest, instead shrugging the shirt off and tossing it away. She could only look up at him, at the hard planes and shadows of his body. God, his chest was impossibly big, hard and broad. So strong she wanted to bite it and stroke it and sleep on it and wake up on it.

She couldn’t resist leaning up and running her tongue and her teeth on his collarbone, then sucking his sweat-moistened skin. “You taste so good, Mick.”

He did. Her own senses fell into memory, and she inhaled his scent, his taste, the feel of him against her. Everything was as perfect as she remembered. More so, because the passion was more intense, more adult than it had been when they’d been two horny kids impatiently exploring.

Oh, they were impatient now. But it was a different kind of impatience. This wasn’t inexperienced and clumsy. This was deliberate and hungry. Each caress was thoughtful and provocative, made more so because they knew what was to come.

“Tell me you were lying about taking up with some other man while you’re in town,” he whispered as he ran his tongue down her front. He worked open the buttons of her blouse with his teeth. By the time he reached the bottom, he was actually biting them off.

His breath touched her skin along with those perfect lips and she shivered and grew weak beneath them.

“You know I wouldn’t have.”

He pushed her shirt completely open and then made quick work of unfastening the front of her bra with one easy snap of his fingers. Her breasts exposed to his gaze, she opened her eyes, wanting to see him looking at her.

His eyes glowed with pure, visual desire that rocked her where she lay. God, to be looked at that way by such a man. It was every woman’s fantasy.

And hers for the taking.

She reached for him, pulled him down, wanting his mouth on her. She tangled her fingers in his hair.

“You were just tormenting me.”

She nodded, arching up, silently answering while silently begging,More. Now. Everything. Please.

His hands pushed her shit and her bra off her. They went flying over his shoulder, probably joining his at the bottom of the stairs. “We should go to bed,” he murmured.

She shook her head. “I can’t wait.”

“Oh good.” Without another word, he moved his hands to the waist of her jeans. She reached for his as well, wanting nothing between them—not their clothes, not even the air.

All their clothing was quickly dispensed with, and Caro moaned at the sight of him. She’d had a few other sexual partners in her life, but none came close to matching Mick’s ability and definitely not his big, beautifully formed cock. Her legs trembled and her vagina clenched as she remembered how it had felt inside her and anticipated having it again.

He pressed closer, the tip gliding into the soft, wet lips of her pussy. Teasing. Taunting. Promising. Close, so close, but not entering her.