Page 56 of Just Killing Time

“Wow, I can actually see your face. No camera in front of it.”

She deliberately raised a big forkful of her food and stuck it in her mouth. He didn’t get the silent message.

“I didn’t think you guys ever turned the cameras off.”

She finished chewing. “Who says they’re off?”

He gave a quick look around but didn’t ask about the placement of hidden cameras in the room. Everyone knew they were there. Sometimes it was best not to think about it, even for Jacey and the crew.

Digg crossed his arms and sat back in his chair, staring at her, studying her face so hard she suddenly felt uncomfortable. “You’re not wearing your Bride of Frankenstein look this morning.”

She shot him a glare.

“I can actually see a little color in your cheeks. Amazing.”

“I thought I could eat in peace, so I didn’t bother putting on my makeup. Speaking of being in peace, why aren’t you upstairs in your room resting up for today’s round of clue-hunting? The next quiz is coming up. You don’t wanna be one of the ones locked out with the Derryville Demon during the second episode, do you?”

He shrugged, looking unconcerned. Then he reached for the coffeepot and poured himself a cup. “I feel pretty comfortable. I paid attention yesterday. For instance,” he said, leaning closer and resting his elbows on the table, “I noticed that your black sweater actually had a little pink in it. And I’m almost certain I saw you wearing a pair of yellow shorts when you took off early Friday morning.”

God, he was observant! She’d slipped out of the inn before dawn Friday and yesterday, as usual, needing to get some exercise and fresh air. She’d gone for a long run at the state park she’d found the first day here and been back at the inn before the first guest had come down.

“What does that prove, beyond the fact that you’re not color blind?”

He smiled a tiny bit. “Just that you’re changing. Relaxing, maybe? Dropping some of the defensive attitude you usually have. I mean it’s pretty obvious your appearance is meant to scare people off.”

“Thanks Dr. Phil,” she muttered, reaching for her cup again.

“Where do you go?”


“Where do you go so early in the morning? Do you get outside for a little exercise?” He rolled his shoulders and stretched his neck, obviously one of those guys who always needed to be moving.

I could definitely help you move, Mr. Hero.She told the voice in her head to be quiet and forced her attention back on his words. Not on his big, hard body.

“That’s one drawback to small-town inn life,” he continued, “there are no decent gyms in this town.”

She sipped her cooling coffee again. “Right.”

“And since none of the guests are allowed to leave without a member of the crew, not that we could if we wanted to since we don’t have cars…”

His unmistakable hint hung there in the air between them. Digg wanted to share her workout time. As if he didn’t have enough women here at the inn who’d give up every pair of shoes they owned to get him alone for five minutes.

A part of her instantly reacted. Her heart sped up a little, and though she hated it, she could feel warmth rising in her face.

Digg just stared, implacable, watching as he always did. Then, when she didn’t respond with an immediate invitation, he took the initiative. “Can I hitch a ride with you some morning? I could use a break from this place.” He looked at her camera case, which she never left without. “And from the cameras.”

No, no, say no.

The words came to her mouth, hung onto the tip of her lips, but got stuck there, somehow. Finally, Jacey nodded weakly. “Okay.”

“Great.” He looked genuinely appreciative, a man who accepted every little kindness or good deed in life and didn’t keep count.

Jacey couldn’t help adding, “And, uh, you don’t have to worry about the camera. I’d never let it be turned on when I’m wearing anything as hideous as yellow shorts.”

This time, when he smiled, she couldn’t resist smiling back.

BY THE END of that weekend, Mick had revised his opinion about Caroline’s job. He’d originally thought it had to be about glamour and power. Now he knew it was about baby-sitting and putting out fires. Sometimes literally, given what he’d heard had happened at the diner. He had to hand it to her, she’d kept her temper and her cool a lot longer than most people would have been able to.