Page 47 of Just Killing Time

Caro nodded, pleased that Jacey, at least, was living up to her reputation for professionalism. It would make things easier if she didn’t have to supervise every little piece of this production.

She thought again of today’s schedule. The sixteen contestants would be divided into four teams after a group lunch at the diner and an introductory, “Walk through Derryville.” Each team would receive different clues that would lead them throughout the town, as if they were on a treasure hunt. They’d actually be on acluehunt. Eventually, if they figured everything out just right, they’d make their way to the crime scene. There they’d find the first set of victims.

Thelastteam to make it to the scene became thefirstwhose heads would go on the block. Three of those four people would be gone by tomorrow. Leaving the cast members to the perfect total of thirteen. It was a quick culling, but necessary to keep the tension up during the show.

“They weren’t too thrilled to find out you were undercover during that limo ride, were they?” Caro asked, remembering with amusement the looks Jacey had gotten from some of the players when they’d arrived at the Little Bohemie Inn. Jacey had instantly gone for a camera, and they’d watched, mouths hanging open.

“Nope. Though it didn’t seem to phase one or two of them.”

Caro heard a different note in the young woman’s voice, as if she were standing here, but her thoughts were a million miles away. But before she could ask her about it, Jacey changed the subject. “Who’s Mick Winchester?”

Shocked, Caro could only stare. “What?”

Jacey pointed to a piece of paper on the small, cramped desk in the RV, which Caro had been using during her meetings with the cast members this morning. Following the girl’s stare, Caro saw the piece of paper, on which she’d been scribbling “I hate Mick Winchester” over and over and over again.


“Somebody,” Jacey said. “As insome body. I met him this morning.”

“So why’d you ask who he was?”

“I wanted to see your ears turn red.”

The cheeky response was good-natured, and Caro realized Jacey was teasing her. “He’s off-limits in conversation.”

And in real life.

Jacey shrugged and promptly said goodbye, leaving Caro alone in the trailer.

Mick was definitely off limits. Nonexistent. An invisible person who accidentally shared her airspace in his house—the one she’d be vacating the very second she found someplace else to go. At this point, suffocating at Sophie’s place by inhaling cat dander seemed preferable to having to face Mick again.

She couldn’t get over what he’d done to her two nights ago. Without apology, without regret, without a backward glance, he’d toyed with her, aroused her to insanity, then walked out.

Isn’t that what you intended to do to him?

She told her inner voice to shut up. Having him wake up to a porn movie wasnotthe same thing as physical contact. Not anywhere near the same thing.

And oh, that physical contact. She shook just thinking about it. His hands, those glorious hands, and his mouth…what incredible things he could do with them. As well as with other things.

That was the thought that had kept her from going after him with a meat cleaver or a fireplace poker. She hadn’t been the only one affected by their interlude. His interest had been noticeable. Very noticeable, God help her, since she’d been sitting on his lap.

He’d definitely had a lapful.

Yet he’d gotten up and walked away when he was in just as aroused a condition as she. Mick had never beenthatstrong a man. Which meant he must really,reallyhave bad feelings toward her. He had brought them both to the edge of the cliff, then had walked away without letting either of them go over.

He hates me.

“Well, good. Because I hate him too.”

“You hate who?” a male voice intruded.

She jerked around. “Charlie,” she said with a shaky smile. “Good morning. You doing okay?”

The older man nodded. “Got the sound check done in the diner and in the library. But we got a problem. I just talked to Jacey about it and she’s going over to check for herself.”

Caro began to shake her head. “No problems, please.”

“Sorry. The staircase leading up to the apartment where the bodies are supposed to be discovered is too narrow for a full pan. Jacey’s team can do tight shots from the bedroom as the cast comes in. But nothing going up or down the stairs.”