Page 40 of Just Killing Time

“I know it sounds bad,” she admitted. “But it’s not. Besides it’s just a steppingstone to where I really want to be.”


She rolled her eyes. “Puh-lease. Why would you think that?”

“Doesn’t everyone in Hollywood want to direct?”

“Just actors. I’m aiming for producer of an in-studio cop show the network is considering for a replacement slot in February.”

She sounded vehement, determined to make her dream come true. Not the first time he’d heard that tone in Caroline’s voice. She’d always gotten what she went after with that fire and enthusiasm.

Even if it meant leaving other things—otherpeople—to eat her dust.

He stood abruptly, taking his plate to the sink.


When he glanced over at her, he saw by the look on her face that she didn’t understand his quick mood change. He wasn’t entirely sure he understood it himself. But something instinctive and deep-rooted had sparked a flash of anger that had been buried for eight long years.

“Thanks for dinner,” she murmured.

“You’re welcome,” he replied. “Good night.” He walked out of the room, hoping she’d have the good sense to realize he’d been about as cordial and friendly as he could manage for one day and still stay sane. Apparently, she’d lost some of her women’s intuition, because she followed him into the media room.

“I’m going to watch a movie.”

“Oh, good,” she said, plopping down on the love seat, curling her stockinged legs under her curvy ass.

No, no, no, no. No movie evening. No chance of waking up and finding her in his arms again, as he had the other morning. That was not on the agenda, not now, notanynight while she remained in Derryville.

He could leave, say he’d changed his mind, developed a splitting headache, had a night out planned with the guys. He couldn’t say it was a night in, because then she’d just stay again. Then he paused, thinking about it. Why shouldheleave?

Hell, it’s my house. It’s my damn TV.

He opened the video cabinet, spied a rackful of movies, and began to smile.

“What are we watching? No tear-jerkers, okay?”

He almost snickered. This one had jerking. But not of tears. He didn’t give it another thought, just dove into the crazy idea that was sure to scare her off.

“So, you want straight-up? You’re not into anything in particular, are you?” he asked, making an extreme effort to sound blasé.


Good start. She looked completely confused.

“I mean, I don’t remember you being into any fetishes or real kink or anything like that. So, is straight-up boy-girl-girl-girl stuff okay?”

She stood, stepped closer, and looked over his shoulder. He remained squatting, resisting the insane urge to turn his head and come eye level with the hem of her short, fitted little skirt. With those thighs he’d dreamed about every night since she’d come back. With that sweet, wet place where he’d lost himself for almost a full year of his life.

He gave his head a shake and reached into the video cabinet, which was stacked high with DVDs and Blu Rays. He retrieved one particular movie from one particular stack and waited for her reaction. He knew he’d gotten it when she gasped out loud. She’d apparently gotten a peek at the title.Raunchy Redheads in Reno.

“You think…you expect…you want to watch…?”

He finally looked up, almost laughing at the sound of horror in her voice. She met his eyes and Mick gave her the same challenging look he’d given her the night she’d walked in on his card game. Daring her. Taunting her. Throwing down a gauntlet.

But this time, she wouldn’t pick it up. There was no way Caroline would sit here and watch a porn movie with him.

If she did? Well, he’d just have to go jump off a bridge or something. Because there was no way in hellhecould sit here and watch a sexy video withher, either. Not when he’d been able to think of nothing else but Caroline, naked and in his arms, since the day she’d come back. Particularly today, when he’d been so close to her, when her shoulder muscles had grown loose and pliable beneath his hands. When her back, her hips, her thighs, had been separated from his by nothing more than their clothing. Her sighs of pleasure had jumpstarted every male molecule in his body. They still snapped and sparked, making him aware of each slight shift she made, each breath she took. Heat, raw and intense, roared again, deep within him.