This time, her moan turned into a whimper. “Loaded?”
“Oh, yeah. QLE 4k display, 12 hd refresh rate, Digital 5.1 decoding.”
She grabbed at his chair, swaying on her feet. Almost not seeming to realize she was doing it, she lowered herself to the padded armrest, scooting his arm out of the way to make room for her pretty little behind. “I hate you.”
He merely grinned. “You’d sleep with me for this setup.”
“I have slept with you. Will that get me aFriendsrerun at least?”
He swallowed. Hard. Suddenly the playful repartee with sensual undertones had gone more sensual than playful. Memories of the intensely physical relationship they’d once shared filled his brain.
He pushed the thoughts away. “Well, I suppose since you’re leaving tomorrow you should get your shot.”
She didn’t argue the point, though he knew she was disagreeing in her mind.
Somehow—though she’d been torturing him for hours with her mere presence in his house—he couldn’t resist her when her guard was down and she was sleepy and tousled, looking with lust at something of his. Okay, it wasn’t something on his body. But he loved his home theater almost as much as his own limbs.
“The Philadelphia Storyis on one of the movie channels.”
“Ooooh,” she moaned. “The original?”
Hearing the hopeful tone in her voice, he gave her one short nod, then scooted over on the chair.
As if it was the most natural thing in the world, Caroline slid down to sit beside him, curling up against his body, never taking her eyes from the screen as he flipped to the movie.
And that’s the way they fell asleep.
SOPHIE COULDN’T QUITE get used to sharing a bed with someone other than Mugs, her cat, but by now, at the end of her first week as Daniel’s roommate, she’d decided it had its perks. Like at this very moment, when they’d finished making delicious love, and she lay curled in his strong arms, looking at the shadowed corners of the room and plotting murder.
“Stop it.”
“I can’t,” she whispered, smiling to herself in the darkness. “I’m so comfortable and safe with you.”
“Safe enough to figure out how to dismember someone in under five minutes?”
Daniel knew the story she was working on.
“My editor wants the proposal by next week.”
It still amazed her that everything had happened the way it had. She’d met Daniel Fletcher, the new police chief of Derryville, just months ago. Yet he’d become the most important part of her life. The first man she’d ever known who’d seen past the Sweet Sophie facade she’d used to hide her true self from the world for so long. And he’d liked the real Sophie. Wanted her, grisly imagination and all. The two of them had had a marvelous time exploring everything there was to know about one another.
“You know, most guys might not take it the right way if their fiancées got off on thinking about blood and gore right after…well…getting off.”
She snickered. “That was lame.” Pressing back against him even tighter, she said, “Besides, you’re not most guys.” She turned around to meet his dark-eyed stare and gently kissed his lips. “Thank heaven.”
He kissed her in return, once, twice, then lazily scratched her hip and curled his hand over her backside.
“So, you’re sure you’re ready for Derryville—and the world—to find out you’re R. F. Colt?”
She frowned. “Did you really have to bring that up?”
“Sophie, you’re scheduled to do an interview on theChicago Morning Showin a couple of weeks. Word’ll be spread through the Derryville grapevine before you’ve had your coffee that morning.”
She puffed out her cheeks and blew out a weary breath. “True.”
“For what it’s worth, I’m glad you agreed to do it. And there was certainly nothing stopping you once your job situation was taken care of.”