Page 120 of Just Killing Time

He beelined for Mick. “He’s here?”

Mick nodded, as did Caro. “Upstairs,” they said in unison.

They’d called Daniel the minute after discovering the video connection. He’d made it up here pretty quickly considering he’d had to go to a local judge for a warrant first. When Mick raised a questioning glance at his future brother-in-law, Daniel tapped his pocket. He’d apparentlygottenthe warrant.

“So, you’re back to work?” Gwen asked. “I thought you went on a leave of absence.”

“I came back on the job about an hour ago. Just in time, I think.”

Caro couldn’t agree more.

Now it just remained to wait here in the parlor until the person they all wanted to speak to came down the stairs.

THOUGH MICK, CAROLINE and Daniel were the only three in the room who knew exactly how much was at stake tonight, everyone else was just as keyed up. Even though he was completely distracted, wanting to nail the bastard who’d been about to let his sister take the fall for a murder, Mick couldn’t help catching the undercurrent of everyone else’s excitement.

They’d come to the end of their road and were about to see the culmination of a job well done. Caroline literally sparked with energy and life, and he knew damn well it wasn’t just because of what they’d discovered watchingPsychedelic Sex Dreamsback at his place.

She was in her element. Loving every bit of what she did, getting an almost physical charge from it. He liked the look on her face, the tension in her body, the half-smile she couldn’t contain whenever any of the crew commented on how great this show was going to be.

She’d have her hit. She’d have her success. She’d have her future.

It was about time for him to figure where he was going to fit in it.

“Here they come,” someone said.

They—everyone—stood as footsteps approached from upstairs. Renauld Watson entered the room, followed by Digg and the others. The crew reacted instantly, setting up for the final scene, touching up the makeup of the contestants, putting the room back in order.

Renauld spied Caroline. Mick wondered at first if he was going to question her about where she’d been, but the cocky little rooster seemed too excited to care.

“It’s perfect,” he said, low, to her, though Mick was close enough to overhear.

Caroline met the director’s eye, and they exchanged a long, comprehending look. Then Caro smiled. But she wouldn’t say a word.

“Tell me,” he muttered once Renauld had walked away. Mick was caught up in the thrill in spite of himself.

“You’ll see.”

So, he watched, along with everyone else while Joshua Charmagne emerged with four envelopes.

“Now,” the host told the three final contestants once the cameras were rolling, “it’s time to see how you all explained this mystery, and to determine who is going to walk out of here a millionaire.” He paused, the heavy silence ratcheting up the anticipation. “And who is going to leave with…nothing.”

He opened the envelope—big dramatic moment. In truth, the reveal was coming on screen as the interviews with the contestants were played on a big screen. Everyone leaned forward, watching, hanging on every word as Logan detailed a convincing-sounding scenario. Even Mick bought it and thought they might be listening to tonight’s winner. Then Logan fingered the killer: James.

Mick looked at Caroline, trying to gauge her expression. Damn, she had her poker face on. She revealed nothing. Beside her, though, the camerawoman, Jacey, was practically bouncing on her toes.

“Now we’ll hear James’s solution,” Charmagne continued.

In went the second tape. James looked a little less prepared, a little more frantic and fumbling. He rambled and had no real motives for the murders of the first three victims, the ones who “died” back at Sophie’s house.

When James named the killer, he did it with a glimmer of spite in his eye. Logan.

Next to him, he heard a tiny gasp. Mick glanced over, knowing Caroline hadn’t made the sound, though a tiny grin played on her lips. Beside her, though, Jacey was biting her bottom lip. He had the feeling the noise of excitement had come from her.

Second to the last contestant: Frank. He accused Logan, too.

And last…the fireman. Digg.

Then Mick glanced at the final contestant. The fireman. Digg.