Page 118 of Just Killing Time

They grew quiet, and Mick groaned inwardly at how he’d worded that. The truth was, Caroline could have him any way she wanted him already. He loved her. They were going to be together. No matter what. He just hadn’t yet had time to figure outhow.

After they examined all the movies, finding four that had Esmerelda Devane’s name in the credits, they sorted them out. “Let’s eliminate the one that Victoria Lynn wasn’t in,” Caroline said, “and start with one of the ones she was.”

They did. As painful as it was, they began to watch the cheesy, poor-quality old films. “Basement stuff,” he muttered, glancing over at Caroline and seeing the look of shock on her face.

“Oh, my God,” she whispered. Then more bodies filled the screen. Lots of them. At the same time. “Oh, my God!”

She threw her hands over her face, only peeking through and cringing every few moments to try to help him.

He began to fast forward, pausing when someone new entered the frame. The low-grade, drug-era video was almost painful in its cheesiness, complete with big-mustached guys and mushroom-dream sex sequences. In one, Miss Hester was dressed up in a blue harem outfit.

Damn, she’d ruined Disney’sAladdinfor him forever.

When the movie ended, he couldn’t stop a sigh of disappointment. They hadn’t recognized a single person, other than Miss Hester. And he was still getting over the shock of that.

He reached for the next case, removing the plastic wrapping as the first film ended and the credits began to roll. He was about to pop out the disc when Caroline gasped in shock.

“Pause it, Mick.” She looked stunned. “Pause it now!”

He did. Then he focused on the screen, wondering what had captured her attention. He read the first name. Then the second.

And then he read the third.

“Oh, my God,” he whispered.

They turned and stared at each other for one silent moment.

“He’s still at the inn,” Caro whispered.

Not hesitating, Mick rose to his feet and held out his hand. “Let’s gogethim.”

AFTER ALL THE private interviews were conducted and guesses made, there was one more scene to film. The “big reveal” when the mystery would be explained, and the winner declared.

Jacey wasn’t positive, obviously, because she hadn’t been permitted to either film or watch the “final” contestant interviews, she was placing her bets on Digg to win.

Whether he won the money or not, he had proved to be an excellent villain. As Caro had said that first day of taping, back before Jacey had known who she was talking about, Digg had the perfect personality type. Stoic, calm, honest, heroic. He’d been everyone’s favorite, women and men, cast and crew.

Even though he would naturally be a prime suspect for the others,becausehe was so “good,” he was also smart and slick enough to throw off suspicion at every turn. His performance during the final questioning/accusation meeting had been a master class in dodging and ducking. Jacey had never been a reality TV person, but even she had been completely sucked in by how it all came together.

Killing Time in a Small Townwas not only good, it wasverygood. She was proud to have been a part of it, and glad she had said yes to the offer…for more than one reason.

The primary one was Digg.

Oh God, he’s mine.

It seemed impossible to believe, but he really was.

“You do know why you weren’t allowed to do the taping with the individual finalists, don’t you?” Renauld said. He’d entered the kitchen silently where Jacey had been sitting alone, grabbing a PB&J sandwich for dinner during their brief break.

She glanced up. “Yes.”

He went on as if she hadn’t replied. “You might have your job back, but we can’t afford to allow you to be alone with any of the final contestants, for fear they might later claim you influenced their choice.”

She hated the pissy little director, she really did. But she had to concede that he was right. “I know,” she said, giving him as close to a humble look as she could manage. “Charlie did a great job overseeing everything in my place.”

Renauld nodded. “Good. With his camera experience, he’ll do fine at managing the team.”

Jacey sipped again, then grudgingly admitted what she’d already realized aboutKilling Time in a Small Town. “The show’s going to be a hit. It’s really good.”