“That puts you in a tough position,” he murmured, wanting to know what she was feeling. “What are you going to do?”
What would she do, if it came down to it? Would she leave Sophie out there, free for the cast and crew ofKilling Time in a Small Townto crucify in upcoming television interviews? Or would she take a stand?
“I don’t know,” she finally said, shaking her head as she stared out the window. “I honestly don’t know.”
A stab of disappointment raced through him. He didn’t know what he’d expected. Maybe for Caroline to say she’d walk out, quit her job, stick to her principles?
And stay with him.
Before they had time to discuss it further, they reached the church and parked outside the pastor’s residence. “Let me do the talking, okay?” he said as they got out of the car.
She nodded, still quiet after their conversation. A conversation they’d have to continue later.
Louise answered the door within a few moments of their knock. “Mick!” She stepped out, threw her arms around him and gave him a big hug. “How sweet of you to drop by. Bob will be so glad.” Then she turned to Caroline and gave her a pleasant, if sheepish, smile.
Louise looked different. Though weary, her face was pretty and soft, with a hint of makeup that he’d never seen her wear before. She also wore a dress instead of her usual overalls. She looked very comfortable answering the door and perfectly at home. Actually, she fit very well in the church residence. He suspected the rumors about her relationship with Pastor Bob might be true.
“Louise, can you talk to us for a few minutes?”
She looked confused, then shrugged and nodded. “Yes, of course, but can we step outside? Bob’s lying down. He’s having such a hard time dealing with this.”
Of course he would be. Mick couldn’t even imagine losing his sister.
To death. Or to prison.
They stepped onto the porch, and Mick wondered exactly how to broach the topic. But he didn’t have to. Caro charged right in. “Louise, have the police questioned you about the gun yet?”
So much for letting him do the talking.
Louise’s eyes widened and she shook her head. “The gun? What gun?”
Mick cast a stern look at Caroline. She winced and bit her lip. “The gun used to kill Miss Hester,” Mick explained. “It appears it was the one you brought to my office…that day.”
Every bit of color drained out of Louise Flanagan’s face. She went as pale as a bowl of Ed’s tasteless grits down at the diner.
Right then and there, Mick knew without a doubt that she’d had nothing to do with the murder, not that he’d ever thought she had. There was no way she could feign such shock.
Caroline also seemed to notice Louise’s distress. She put her hand on the other woman’s shoulder and grabbed her arm, lending support. Considering the other woman was far bigger, Mick grabbed the other arm.
“You didn’t know?” Caroline asked.
Louise just shook her head. “Bob…what will I say to Bob?”
She looked dazed, and Mick hadn’t even gotten to the most important part yet.
“I can’t believe the police haven’t questioned you yet,” Caro said, sounding confused.
“They tried calling yesterday, but I’d gone out.”
Yesterday. After they’d questioned Mick in his office. Christ, the cops hadn’t even confirmed the story of the gun with the woman who’d been carrying it! They’d just accepted Caro’s and Mick’s statements as fact.
Now it was time to get therealfacts. “What did you do with the gun that day?”
She blinked a few times, looked back and forth between Mick and Caroline. She suddenly seemed less dazed, but now a puzzled frown pulled at her brow. Finally, she explained. “I came right here to the church. I wanted to see Pastor Bob, to talk to him, but he wasn’t in.” She looked at Caro. “We were just friends then, and he was the nicest man I knew. I figured he’d understand.”
“But he wasn’t here?” Caro prompted.
“Right. I was standing in the reception area with some others. We all heard Sophie,” she glanced at Mick, the color returning to her face, “your sister, arguing with Miss Hester. Then she left. And I waited until Miss Hester was alone, so I could ask her about Pastor Bob.”