The camerawoman looked away. “Never mind.”
Caro didn’t push for an explanation, sensing that would be a long one. “I want you to know, I didn’t tell Renauld about you and Digg.”
“I know you didn’t. That would have been Mona or Ginger or Deanna. Though Deanna’s so busy going back and forth between Logan and James, I don’t think she’d have cared if she’d walked in on me and Digg, uh…”
Caro couldn’t believe it. Jacey was blushing That was definitely color spreading over the girl’s ghost-white cheeks. It was attractive, though she sensed Jacey wouldn’t agree. “You and Digg…?”
“Forget it. Doesn’t matter why. I’m outta here.” She looked around. “I just, uh, wish I had a chance to say goodbye to a few people. Charlie. And some others.”
Caro knew whom she meant. “Digg and his team are supposed to be holding a strategy meeting in the basement. Go ahead and say goodbye.” But before Jacey could go, Caro added, “By the way, don’t leave after you see Digg. This isn’t over yet.”
The camerawoman met her eye, then slowly nodded, reading Caro’s silent message. It looked like her battles with Renauld weren’t finished for the day. Giving her a grateful look, Jacey turned and went back into the inn, leaving Caro free to go find Renauld and get some things straightened out.
She blew into the trailer, figuring she’d see the puffed-up little rooster ready to regale her with the results of his massacre. But instead of Renauld, she saw Digg, sitting on a chair beside her desk. “Jacey was looking for you,” she said. “I told her you were at the meeting.”
“I blew it off.”
Caro sat opposite him, staring at the young man who held himself tightly in check. “You already heard.”
“I heard. You have anything to do with this?”
Caro raised a hand to her heart and the other in the air. “I swear I didn’t.”
Digg shifted restlessly in his chair. “I figured that. I’ll just sit here and wait until I can talk to the person responsible. There’s no way I’m going to let Jacey get tossed out for something we both did.”
Caro gave him an assessing look wondering just how far this young man would go. Had he really fallen for Jacey so fast? Did he honestly love her, or expect that he could? “What do you plan to say to Renauld?”
Digg’s jaw stiffened. “That he’s a friggin’—”
Waving her hand, Caro interrupted. “After that part.”
Digg’s brown eyes flashed with emotion and anger, something she’d never seen before in the calm, reasonable young man. There was usually something very relaxing and comforting about him, as if you could rely on him for always, never doubt him.
Why couldn’t she have fallen for such a man?
Maybe because no man like that had ever excited her, driven her out of her mind and made her fall insanely in love. There’d only been one man for her from the day they’d met. Only Mick. And frankly, thinking of the roller coaster ride their relationship had always been, she preferred it that way. Life with Mick would always be an adventure. Even if the adventure was only going to last another few day.
“I’m going to assume full responsibility for what happened. He can take it out on me,” Digg said.
Caro leveled an assessing look at the young man. “You know hecan’tdo that.”
Digg just held her stare. He understood what she was saying. Of all people on the cast, Renauld couldnotafford to let Digg go.
“Maybe it won’t be his decision to make,” Digg replied steadily.
He sounded like he meant it. This close to the end, with him looking like such a strong contender to win the game onKilling Time in a Small Town, he sounded ready to give it all up. For Jacey. “Would you really walk away? From the money, the fame?”
He didn’t answer right away, and she began to feel a hint of disappointment in him.So much for true love.
He sighed and leaned back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling. He and Jacey shared that trait—looking up for answers when they weren’t sure what to say—which made her smile.
Finally, Digg returned his attention to Caroline. “I’m not the type of man to back away from my responsibilities. I made a commitment. To you, and to the guys at the station.”
“The station?”
He shifted uncomfortably, then looked side to side as if to make sure no one else was hiding in the tiny, cluttered trailer. “We have some plans for the money.”
She still didn’t understand. “We?”