Page 77 of Just Killing Time

Yeah. Until that. Nothing had really made sense to him since she’d left.”

Not wanting the conversation to go back to anything dark, he nudged. “That professor, he’s so full of himself. It’s him. Or else it’s Mona. You always have to watch out for those quiet, sneaky ones.”

She stuck her fingers in her ears and began to hum. He immediately recognized the theme song fromMarried With Children. Geez, she must be desperate to have gone to that one since he knew Caroline had always liked the happy family shows, not the dysfunctional ones.

“Okay, okay,” he said with a laugh. “No more questions about the killer.”


Hiding a grin, he said, “Who’s the next victim?”

“Argh! If you weren’t driving, I would literally punch you in the throat.”

He laughed out loud. A riled-up Caroline was much more fun than a morose one.

“Okay, okay. But I still get one question, right?”

“Yes, butnotabout the show.”

He thought about it for a few moments. There were so many things he wanted to know, so many conversations they hadn’t shared over all these years. There hadn’t been much talking since she’d been back. Their time together had been spent either bickering, or dancing around their physical relationship. Their wonderful, hot, sexy, crazy, physical relationship. He shifted in his seat.

Some of the things he wanted to ask her, he couldn’t. Not yet. There was, however, one he had to have the answer to right now. “How do you like what you’re doing with your life?”

She tilted her head, giving him a quizzical look. “That’s your question? How’s life?”

He nodded. “Pretty much.”

Caroline shrugged and leaned back in the leather passenger seat. She kicked off her shoes and lifted one bare, delicate foot to rest on the console, stretching out for the ride to the city. God, he was lusting after a woman’s foot. What did that say about him—and how he felt abouther—that her cute little toes foot made him want to get naked and make love to her here and now, right in the front seat of his car?


Yeah, it would besogood.


Giving his head a quick shake, he took his mind off her delicately curved ankle and pretty, pink-tinted toenails. “Sorry.”

“I said it’s good. Life’s good.”

“One-word answer, that’s the best you can do?”

“You gave a one-word answer—Chicago,” she shot back.

“True. But the rest is a surprise.”

“Well,” she said crossing her arms in front of her chest, “my answer’s not exactly a surprise. Life’s good. I like my job, I like my condo, even though it’s tiny. I have a few good friends who drag me out to clubs occasionally. I run on the beach but never after sundown. I even go on a date once in a blue moon.”

His hands tightened on the steering wheel. “Anything serious?”

He hated that he’d asked, not sure she would answer. Not sure he wanted her to.

She immediately shook her head. “Nope. My job’s been my focus for a long time. It wasn’t easy breaking in without finishing school first. I finished up my Bachelor’s at night during my first couple of years at the studio. I worked as a secretary in the beginning. Got a break—covered the rear end of a studio exec when he’d lost an important treatment—and got a low-level job in production.”

“And the rest is history?”

“Right. Though, of course, I’m not where I want to be yet.”

“I remember. In the studio. Top loony in the loony bin.”