Besides, she’d never suggested it. Never asked him to come with her all those years ago. She’d simply walked out after throwing accusations in his face. If shehadasked, well, there had beenotherdays when the idea of starting something fresh and new in a fast-paced world appealed to him tremendously.
Too late. Much too late now with them both established in their separate worlds.
And now he’d been stupid enough to go and sleep with her again. Let her fill his head and consume his body and make his heart do stupid things it had no business doing. Like caring too much.Asshole.
“Mmm, good morning,” she said softly, burrowing under his comforter as if she missed his body heat.
It was tempting to give it to her, but Mick still had some sense of self-preservation left. He slid out of the bed, walking naked over to the window to stare down in the backyard. Just in time to see Buddy respond to his owner’s whistle, tearing toward the back door of his neighbor’s house. Like clockwork.
“What time is it?”
He glanced at the clock. “Seven.”
She sat up in the bed, letting the covers fall to her lap. Then she blinked a few times and shook her head slightly. She looked at him, at the room. One of his lamps was on the floor—they’d knocked it down during one particularly exciting interlude when he’d taken her from behind until she’d howled.
She obviously remembered. Color rose in her cheeks, and she pulled the covers up.
“Don’t worry. Nothing has changed,” he muttered, knowing what was going through her head.
She was having regrets. Already wondering how to save face, to salvage their ridiculous “roommate” situation now that they’d gone and given in to their attraction to each other.
“How do you figure that?” she asked, her voice thick with sleep and confusion. “I’d say something has definitely changed here.”
“Well, we’ll just change it back.” He pulled a pair of jeans out of a drawer and drew them on, covering his naked body.
Caroline watched him, drawing the blankets around her as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. “Change it back. There’s a trick.” She sounded more annoyed now, even though he’d given her what he thought she wanted: a graceful way out of this situation. “Is that like somebody saying they mentally grew back a hymen and got revirginized?”
“I mean…look, we went a little crazy. We should probably just forget it ever happened.”
Her jaw dropped and she gave him an incredulous look. “Oh, so now it didn’t happen. You didnotmake love to me three times last night.”
“Four,” he mumbled. Maybe she didn’t remember the sleepiest time in the middle of the night when he’d buried his face in her soft pussy and eaten her into orgasm and then plunged in to reach his own.
She rose to her knees on the bed, growing visibly angry. “Youdidn’twhisper those things to me, youaren’tinsane for me, you reallywouldhave survived if you couldn’t bury your cock in me until the rest of the world didn’t exist?”
He flinched. Somehow the heated words they’d exchanged in the night didn’t sound quite the same in the light of day. “That’s a low blow.”
“We didn’t even get to the blowing,” she snapped, her expression taunting. “Guess we never will now.” She hopped out of the bed, taking the sheet with her.
“You’re angry.”
“You think? God, even in California they wait until after coffee before giving the old heave-ho ‘catchya later, babe.’”
He grabbed her arm, forcing her to meet his eyes. “That’s not what this is. I didn’t plan last night and neither did you. What happened was more about stress and anger and years’ worth of memories that needed to be revisited. By both of us. It didn’t change the world.”
It certainly hadn’t changedtheirworld. Not in any way that could solve their unresolved problems.
She yanked her arm away, bent over and scrounged around for some clothes, looking both furious and adorable, sexy and sweet. She finally found one of Mick’s shirts and pulled it on, probably needing the defense of clothing so she wouldn’t feel so vulnerable. Exposed. Like he’d been feeling a few minutes ago, before she’d woken up.
“Okay, let me see if I follow. We got mad, we fought, we had sex, it’s out of our systems and now we forget it ever happened?”
“No, we won’t forget. But I meant what I said last week. We’ve been down this road before. We go crazy for each other, have incredible sex. Then something happens to piss you off—”
“Like now,” she interjected.
He continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “You doubt me and you walk away. The only thing that’s different this time is that you have a set date and a set location for the walking away part. Two weeks. And California.”
Her eyes shone with some unvoiced emotion, and he saw the tiniest quiver in her lips. God, he’d totally screwed this up. Putting up his own self-protective barrier had really hurt Caro. She’d gone from sleepily seductive, to angry, to hurt, all in about two minutes. He stepped close and reached out to touch her.