Page 62 of Just Killing Time

“I need you in me.”

“You know what I want,” he told her, dropping his mouth to her throat where he pressed a hot, moist kiss. “Now say it.

She knew. Of course, she knew.

And he was right.

“We’re lovers,” she admitted. “We always have been.

“Damn right,” he said with a low growl.

But instead of thrusting into her like she wanted him to, he edged away so he could kiss her temple, her cheek, down her neck, finally to her breast. His unshaven face created a delicious friction everywhere he touched.

She writhed and twisted, loving the feel of his mouth on her nipple, but mostly wanting him to plunge into her and break her apart, physically, emotionally, in every way possible.

“Please, Mick,” she said with a whimper. She raised one leg, curling it around his hard ass, tugging him close, so close to where she wanted him. “Now.”

“Now,” he agreed.

Without hesitation, he thrust into her body, slamming deep and filling her to her utter limits. She screamed, grabbing his shoulders. “Oh, yes,” she moaned, unable to believe how good, how utterly perfect he felt inside her.

He pulled out and thrust again. Just as hard.

Her brain cells evaporated. She held on for the ride.

But, to her surprise, his deep thrusts slowed. He hesitated between each, plunging short and quick and then deep and slow. She was left breathless, not knowing what to expect, knowing only that it would give her sheer pleasure.

The angle of their bodies on the stairs was perfect for what she needed. His groin rubbed against hers, her clit getting just the right amount of pressure.

She wrapped both legs around his hips, pulling, thrusting up, trying to taunt him to go faster.

“Slow down,” he whispered. “We’ve waited too long to let this go fast.”

She whimpered and shifted on the carpeted step, not letting him go, though she stopped trying to set the tempo. Mick had always liked to torture her; always tempered her impatience with a tormenting deliberateness that drove her absolutely wild. Eventually he would lose his control and set a wild, heat-pounding pace.

But he wasn’t there yet. Damn it all.

He kissed her lightly, nibbling her lip. Pulling out all the way, he held his cock away from her, taunting her by withholding what she desperately needed.

“I’m going to kill you,” she growled.

“That wouldn’t do you much good.”

“You’ll be a victim on the show.”

“Will you cover me up first, please? I’m not sure my dick is gonna go down until after we’ve fucked at least forty times.”

She hissed, again intensely aroused by his wicked tone and more wicked smile. Scratching his shoulders, barely capable of thought, she clawed and begged.

“More, more, more, please. If you don’t give me what I want, we’re both going to go tumbling down these stairs when I smack you for tormenting me like this.”

He stroked again and licked her earlobe and nibbled on her jaw.

“Mick,” she moaned, starting to shake with the tension of raging need. “Screw me hard or I’m taking over.”

He chuckled. “I’d like to see you try that in this position.”

She pushed, shoving against his chest, forcing him to roll over until he was half-reclining on the step and she just above him, her knees on either side of his hips. She met his beautiful green eyes, giving him one second’s warning that she intended to take what she wanted. His cocky smile told her to go right ahead.