The old lady snorted. “Ha! Unless you got male gear hidden under those tight skirts of yours, you know what I mean. Not a woman alive who can resist that boy when he sets his mind to her.”
“Well, lucky for me, he hasn’t ‘set his mind’ to me.”
Yeah. Lucky for her. Very lucky, considering she’d felt her resolve and animosity toward Mick melting away through the nights she’d slept under his roof.
God, it was agonizing. She hadn’t realized just how thin the walls might be in his old house. Thin enough that she heard—or thought she heard—every move he made, all night long. The picture of him lying there, naked, having kicked off even the sheets, like he used to sleep in the old days, had tormented her for hours each night.
Bad enough if she’d had to rely on memories from years ago when her mind betrayed her and drifted to the image of him naked. No, she still had the full glorious Technicolor picture of that day in his office on her mind.
Bad, bad mind.
Mick, bed and naked were three words she shouldn’t associate with one another. But they were all she thought about when she was in his house, which was why she tried to avoid being there. She’d even considered crashing here in the trailer. Unfortunately, as usual, the on-site production trailer had turned from her private office into a catch-all storage closet for the entire crew.
Heaven help her when the cast arrived. Then they’d be in here at all hours, complaining about the director, their rooms, each other or the game. She didn’t know if she was going to survive it.
“That Charmagne fella has a big ego, don’t he? Wears eyeliner even when he’s not on camera, trying to look like he’s twenty years younger than he is.”
Caro coughed away a laugh, hiding it behind her fist. God love her, Hildy always told it like it was. Before Caro could reply, the door opened. Though she didn’t even turn to see who it was, she somehow knew. Her skin prickled. Her breath caught. Her nipples hardened.
Only one man had ever caused that reaction.
“Mr. Winchester,” Hildy said, confirming her suspicion. “What brings you out here?” She cast a quick look at Caro. “As if I didn’t know.”
How on earth the old woman knew there was something between Caro and Mick, she had no idea. But there definitelywassomething between them. Something ancient and deep, unattainable but unforgettable. Call it attraction, fate, pheromones. Whatever the case, Mick had an effect on her that Caro didn’t appreciate and didn’t want. He tempted her like David had tempted Maddie onMoonlighting. And look what a disaster their eventual union had meant—cancellation!
Finally turning to face the man in the doorway, she ignored the slight hitch in her heart as she saw the way the afternoon sunlight caught the hints of gold in his light brown hair. His green eyes twinkled as he gave Hildy one of those lopsided, sexy-as-sin grins. “How can I resist a visit with the hottest woman in Derryville? Boy, if I didn’t love my grandpa so much, I’d be giving him a run for his money.”
Hildy preened for a moment, then walked over to Mick and pinched his cheek. “Boy, you couldn’t handle this much woman.”
Mick somehow managed to look both chastised and flirtatious. “Oh, but wouldn’t I like to try?”
Hildy appeared to be as helpless against his charm as every other female. “You’re a naughty one,” she said when Mick gave her one of those come-try-me grins. “I’m going to pray for you.”
Mick raised a brow. “And where are you going to do that?”
Hildy frowned, her old lady lips puckering out and her forehead descending over her eyebrows. “Don’t remind me.”
Caro met Mick’s eye over the old lady’s head. “Problems?”
“Hildy isn’t a favorite of Miss Hester’s at the local church.” Then Mick gently put his arm across her shoulders for a quick hug. “That’s okay, some of my favorite people have been kicked out of that church, my sister included.”
Remembering how Sophie had recently been fired and/or quit from her job and having heard the rumors about the pastor’s sister trying to make trouble for the TV shoot, Caro nodded. “I know what happened with your sister. But I’m sure she’s still welcome at the church. Isn’t everyone?”
“Except me,” Hildy said with a snort. “Miss Hester needs to brighten up. Take a chili powder. Or a Viagra.”
“Uh, I think you mean lighten up and take a chill pill.” Wick a chuckle, Mick plopped down on the arm of the sofa. “And I think Viagra’s only for men—so many you meant a Valium.”
Hildy snorted. “In my younger years, any man who’d admit to needin’ a little blue pill wouldn’t ever have the opportunity to use it again once his gang found out. He’d die of embarrassment—if they didn’t pump his limp guts full’a lead first.” She shook her index finger toward Mick. “I bet you never needed it. Or so everyone in this town says.”
Caro couldn’t help it. She stiffened.
“No, I’ve never needed it,” he murmured, meeting Caro’s stare over the old lady’s head. His eyes held something hot and personal, and Caro quickly tried to think of anything but Mick and sex in the same sentence.
Hildy cast Caro an apologetic glance and changed the subject. “Well, as for Miss Hester, she just needs to get a sense of humor.”
“I agree,” Mick concurred. “I almost fell face-first into my spaghetti dinner from laughing at what you said to her.”
“That’s not saying much, boy, since I don’t imagine you’d be offended if someone told ya you were as randy as an alley cat.”