Page 117 of Just Killing Time

“Does that mean you wanna watch one with me one of these nights?” He wagged his brows. “I have a pretty-good sized TV in my room.”

She held up the case. “One with Miss Hester, porn star turned minister’s sister? And blackmailer?”

He made a barfing sound and turned away. Sifting through the movies, he focused on finding any of the old ones from Earl.

“Wait, I don’t understand,” Caro said while he searched. “If she was hiding a scandalous past, wouldn’t that mean Miss Hester was probably the blackmail victim?”

He nodded, having already considered that. “Yeah. I’m sure she didn’t want this getting out.”

“So, shewasn’tthe blackmailer after all? She was the actual victim this time?”

It would almost be divine retribution. The hypocritical blackmailer being blackmailed.

“I don’t know. Either way is possible. Someone might have recognized her from her old days, or she might have spotted someone she knew that. Honestly though, I think that’s the likelier scenario. I just can’t see anyone from her past seeing her now and—” he held up the movie case showing a buxom blonde “—recognizingher.”

Caro nodded. “True.”

“Either way, whether she was blackmailer or victim, I think we’re going to find that the person who killed her is someone involved with the show. Some Hollywood types have long memories, I assume?”

Caroline didn’t even try to argue. “I suppose it makes sense, given her past.”

“And it explains why she fought so hard to keepKilling Time in a Small Townfrom coming here to begin with.”

He returned to his task, finding another, and then a third video with the name Esmerelda Devane on the cover. Victoria Lynn’s was on both as well.

They were in for a long evening.

“We just have to find out who on the set of the show might have known Hester in her wicked old days,” Mick said. “I’m laying money on that bastard Renauld.”

Caro didn’t respond, knowing Mick’s feelings toward her director. “Okay, I get what you’re saying, but I still don’t see how. I mean, don’t we have to leave it to Jared’s investigator? Tell him to look into the porn industry of the ’70s and see what connections he can find?”

Mick shook his head, waiting for her to figure out where he was going. “There’s a much quicker way.”

She looked at him, then at the boxes surrounding him on the floor. She began to shake her head as it sunk in.

“Huh-uh. You can’t be serious.”

“I’m serious.”

“I’m not watching porn tapes with you.”

“It’ll be for research purposes only.”

“Yeah, right. Like last time?”

“Last time,” he retorted, “I wasn’t picturing a dead Miss Hester in the bathtub every time the naked star appeared on the screen.”

Her face paled. “Oh, crap, you’re not really gonna make me watch Miss Hester pornos are you?”

“Sorry, babe, you’re the one most likely to recognize a face.”

“Do they show faces in those kinds of movies?”

“Oh, they show lots of heads,” he said evilly. “Hopefully one of them will pop out at you.”

She threw another pillow. “I’ll get you for this.”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her down to sit beside him on the floor. “If you help me get my sister cleared of murder, you can get me any way you want me.”