Page 7 of Conquered

She could imagine them standing with their weapons raised high, their muscles straining as they defeated their opponents. A shiver worked through her because, even though she could vividly see the blood that would surely cover their massive chests as they killed anything in their path, all she felt was arousal, and that was something she had never experienced.

With their gazes locked on her, she was overwhelmed so suddenly she couldn’t breathe. Raw. Determined. Their facial features resembled one another’s, but each had a different shade of hair and eye color.

“How about we start with six mugs of your finest ale?” The one at the far end spoke, his accent thick and his voice deep.

She turned her attention to the one who spoke. His black hair was cut short, and his violet eyes seemed like the finest cut Franita jewels.

Nodding almost absently, she was embarrassed that she had to force herself to turn and leave. Hands shaking and now covered in sweat, she wondered if maybe their kind exuded some kind of pheromone and that was why her reaction to them was so intense.

She had seen many beings while living on this planet. But aside from a few key points she’d learned over the years, she knew nothing of customs, biology, or even mating habits of this species.

While she waited for Serna to gather their drinks, she stole another glance at them.

Females milled around them, their exposed breasts jiggling as they swayed to the music. But even though nude bodies were right within their reach, none of the males made a move to touch, fondle, or take the females up on their sexually lewd advances.

Once she had their drinks, she made her way back to the table. The one with the violet eyes watched her the entire time. When she licked her suddenly dry lips, she didn’t miss how he lowered his gaze to watch the act.

After she had placed the last mug in front of one of the males, she gasped when he snagged her wrist and brought her hand to his mouth. Startled, all she could do was stare at him in shock. Despite his firm hold on her, it wasn’t painful, and she still didn’t feel any fear. Uncertain of his intent?


His eyes were as dark as the night and his hair a platinum color that was a stark contrast to his irises. All Luna could do was watch as he inhaled deeply, his massive and muscular chest rising and falling from the action.

He kept hold of her stare with his own, and as if the next thing happened in slow motion, he brought her wrist to his mouth and kissed her suddenly very sensitive flesh.

Her hand looked so small, so fragile, compared to his, and a part of her, a very feminine part of her, melted at that small observation.

“What is your name?” His voice was a sensual whisper that seemed to seep into her very cells. It was deep and commanding but not nearly as rough as the violet eyed warrior.

Maximo had told them her name, so why would he ask her if not for the sole pleasure of having her obey him?

“Raimi, leave her. Can you not sense she is frightened?” the male next to him said just as deeply. Luna turned and looked over at him, her already simmering arousal increasing tenfold. Her reaction to not one but three males couldn’t be natural or normal.

What was it about these males that had her feeling desire for the first time in her miserable life? Luna had been prepared to hold in her revulsion when she offered herself to these men, but never had she expected to feel this.

“I’m only having a bit of fun with her, Genet.” The one next to Raimi, Genet, stared at her with eyes the color of the foam of the Malisha Sea. They were a light green, pale, and hypnotizing.

The feeling of a thumb smoothing over the sensitive flesh of her inner wrist had her dragging her gaze back to Raimi’s.

“I do not smell fear, Genet,” Raimi murmured seductively. A fresh gush of moisture seeped out of her. Whether she was wet from his remark or from the way the three of them watched her with clear lust had confusion storming through her.

It was like a fire within her, scorching her from the inside out.

“Are you hungry?”

The one with the violet eyes had her instantly looking at him, drawn in by the mesmerizing way his voice wrapped around her. There was no doubt he was the eldest, not when leadership poured from him in waves.

“Come closer, female.”

She obeyed without hesitation, not even feeling shame over that fact.

“You have not answered me.”

She licked her lips and looked at each one before bringing her gaze back to the eldest. Revealing anything to these males seemed dangerous, but then again, if they saw her as a person and not a pleasurable object, they might sympathize with her situation.

“I don’t know what you mean, sir.” He made a low hum in his throat, and she didn’t miss how the other two shifted in their seats.

“That title sounds delicious coming from you.” The corner of his full mouth kicked up. “Shall I tell it like it is?”