Page 37 of Conquered

Her nerves were shot, but it wasn’t about escaping them but more that she didn’t know what her future held. What Luna knew was she wanted to be with these men.

Over the last week, their appetites for her body were insatiable, but in all honesty, she hadn’t been able to get enough, either. She was exhausted and sore but in a way that every time she thought about why she felt like that, she grew needy for them.

They told her what they liked, talked her through the things she was unsure of, and made sure she was always experiencing the most pleasure when they were all together.

There was no shame in the fact she felt comfortable and safe with them and that, despite their short time together, she wanted to relax enough to let someone else watch her back.

She might feel these inexplicable emotions for them, ones that felt more confusing with each passing day, but she also refused to relinquish everything she had. She’d run for her freedom and would not give it up.

No one knew what the future held, least of all her, but she had to start somewhere, and if there were three warriors that vowed to offer her safety and affection, why would she refuse it?

They weren’t forcing her to do anything she was uncomfortable with. Although Erak and his brutish cockiness could border on that, he never took away her choice. This wasn’t the end but the beginning of the rest of her life, and she expected what lay ahead.

The straps holding her securely in her seat dug into her shoulders, but that was partly because she was leaning forward, trying to take in as much of the scenery as she could, so she was causing herself the discomfort.

Monstrous mountains with the snowy peaks that tapered down to vast greenness came into view. Dozens of lakes could be seen from her vantage point, and she was struck by how serene and beautiful the planet of Aktulla was.

The holograms she’d seen while living on the planet of red dust had hinted at colorful worlds.

The sun rose over the horizon, and she lifted her hand to block her eyes from the beautiful yet intense glare. She had opted not to stay in the control room where the brothers were, instead wanting to take this moment alone, to let her emotions fully out as she looked at what would be her new home.

There had been several times where she had stayed curled up with either Raimi or Genet, listening to them talk about their home with wonderment and adoration in their voices. They showed her images of the crystal clear water, the thick forest, and the sprawling countryside.

It reminded her of images of the now barren and stark planet Earth, which she had seen as a child with her adoptive mother. Knowing her ancestors had come from a planet that once held blue oceans and green trees had her aching to go there, but the planet was long since destroyed by greed and war.

And now sat as an unlivable rock. Four solar systems over.

As the ship descended, the clearer the landscape became. Pinks and blues of the flowers that filled the fields below had tears springing to her eyes. She quickly wiped them away and let the smile she had been holding in break free.

She had done it, had actually broken away from the vileness that had always been her life. Happiness and prosperity were within reach of her fingertips. The only question was, would she finally allow herself to be free enough to enjoy that life with Erak, Genet, and Raimi?

The pressure in the ship stabilized as they came closer to an extensive structure in the distance. Below was nothing but a large, square building, smooth and flawless, and looking anything but technologically advanced.

It must have been a landing dock of some sort. The ship lowered to a pad, and as locks clicked in place, they descended even further into the ground. The bright sun disappeared as darkness washed over her. Immediately, her panic began to rise

But before it could claim her, bright, artificial lights opened up around them, and she once again covered her eyes. The harness that held her in place unlatched, and she stood, rubbing her shoulder and feeling blood return to the area.

She turned to make her way back to the command center, but before she got two steps in, the door was opening and Erak was striding in. He was alone, and when the door closed behind him, she saw the look of determined heat in his face.

Luna took several steps back and braced herself against the side of the wall. His hands landed on either side of her head, and he leaned down, claiming her mouth in the way he normally did—all-consuming and possessive.

A moan spilled from her as he stroked his tongue along hers several times before breaking the kiss and trailing his lips along her neck.

“What was that for?” Not that she was complaining but she assumed he would be eager to greet his family, see his home and people again, and get off this ship.

A low rumble left him. “Do I need a reason to touch my female?”

A smile graced her lips, and she sighed when he scraped his teeth along her pulse. She was still sore from when Genet had taken her right before liftoff, and again when Raimi had claimed her before they descended.

That had been an unexpected and had been fast, hard, and made her head spin. She was coming to realize that when the brothers wanted her, they didn’t care what they were doing. They stopped, came to her, and quenched their needs.

But she was not sore enough that she would deny Erak anything. His erection was hard, demanding, and so big pressed against her belly that her mouth and pussy watered for it, but despite his arousal, he didn’t take her.

Fucking her mouth with his lips and tongue instead, Erak had her panting in need and frustration. She didn’t want to be all hot and bothered when she met his family, and if he didn’t stop, she would be, and they would be able to smell it.

“If you’re not going to do anything about what you started, then we need to stop.”

He growled against her mouth and kissed her harder.