Page 26 of Conquered

Genet was the second eldest and in charge when Erak wasn’t available. Genet’s personality was one of a great warrior but also a gentle giant.

It was clear he reveled in battle and excelled in the art. There had been many times she watched the males fight and train, saw how skilled each of them were, but didn’t miss how Genet seemed to be an expert in reading his opponent’s moves and where they were going to strike next.

She found herself increasingly enthralled, aroused even, as she watched them wage war against each other.The thought of them teaching her to fight, training her to defend herself, was something she wanted to look into, but she was almost hesitant to even ask.

The idea of being next to them, their sweaty bodies pressed close, their hands moving over each other, sent a sharp stab of lust through her.

Raimi was the youngest of the three. His youthful age was apparent in his boisterous and carefree attitude.

All three men were gorgeous in their own right, not classically handsome, per se, but powerful and scarred, like savage warriors awaiting their next battle. She walked further into the room and took a seat. Genet sat beside her, and she smiled at him.

The iridescent table glowed right before their platters of food appeared before them. In just seven days, Luna had gained several pounds, not much in the entire scheme of things, but enough that her bones weren’t so prominent any longer.

Her hips were fuller, as were her thighs. Luna didn’t go to bed hungry, and she had been surprised at how good it felt. She even felt healthier, livelier. Food had been scarce on Kat’aki and stealing from the kitchen when she was able to had only provided meager scraps.

These warriors made her eat, though, filled her plate until she forced them not to give her anymore. It was kind of...endearing.

“You’re not hungry this evening?” Genet’s voice drew her attention, and she realized she had just been staring at the food in front of her. The fact was, her thoughts consumed her, stole her sanity, and made her rethink every single decision she had made since being on their ship.

“I am. It’s just....” Luna looked over at Genet, and let herself get lost in his sea green eyes. They seemed to swirl the longer she stared at him, and the hypnotizing quality left her feeling somewhat unhinged.

Luna wanted to give in to them and tell them to claim her.

As she opened her mouth to do just that because her hormones and all reasoning left her, Raimi took that opportunity to saunter in with an almost cocky grin on his face. He had this boyish charm, but she wasn’t fooled. He was a feral seducer, and planned on using that on her.

It suited him because he wasn’t overbearing like Erak.

Raimi sat across from her, and she couldn’t help but flick her gaze to the empty spot right next to him—Erak’s seat. Would he join them today or continue to avoid her?

“You look beautiful today, Luna.” Raimi grinned, all straight, white teeth. Her cheeks heated from his compliment, which he gave her every time he saw her. She grew pliant under his words and found herself drawn to him more and more each day.

They didn’t play fair. If they had just stayed aloof, indifferent, and kept away from her, she would have had no qualms about leaving them, but as it stood, it was getting harder to picture herself doing just that.

“Thank you.” She picked up her fork and pushed some of her food around. They sat in silence, and Luna increasingly wanted more than just the food in front of her.

The sound of heavy, pounding footsteps seemed to break the silence, and despite her inner argument to keep her head down and not make eye contact with who was barreling down the hallway, Luna did the opposite and lifted her eyes.

Erak strode into the dining hall with a fierce scowl on his face, determined strides, and his hands clenched by his sides. She had already grown wet sitting so close to Genet and Raimi.

But seeing the fierceness pour off him, the alphaness in his warrior stride, had a fresh gush of wetness seeping from her pussy.

He only wore a pair of low hanging leathers, and his skin was damp and slightly pink from what she knew was a shower. His black hair was even darker when it was wet, appearing like the onyx wings of a Ravenward bird.

The muscles of his chest were so pronounced, so defined, that his power wasn’t even a question. Luna let her eyes travel down the hard ridges, toned dips, and traced the intricate inked lines on his forearms that spoke of his royal lineage.

He also had dark ink that continued up his biceps and disappeared around his back.

Erak didn’t look at anyone as he came further into the room and took a seat at the head of the table. His brow was furrowed, but even his pinched expression couldn’t take away from the attractive rawness that he exuded.

Her heart pounded fiercely, and her cheeks heated further. Luna couldn’t tear her eyes away from him, and the longer she stared at Erak, the more the lust swirled inside of her, taking her to an unknown and unfamiliar place.

His hands were on top of the table, and she watched in rapt appreciation as he curled those long fingers inward and lifted only his eyes to pierce her with his violet stare. His head was still downcast, and his dark hair was a swatch of silky ink across his forehead.

Genet and Raimi shifted in their seats, and the heat increased in the room. She swore she could feel their arousal for her, hear their hearts pounding faster, and taste their need to have her thicken the air.

“If you keep staring at me,Fallina, I won’t be able to control my actions.” His voice was a deep, rough baritone. It caressed her like she wanted his hands to, like she wanted all of them to.

Even with his subtle warning, she couldn’t break the mesmerizing hold he seemed to have on her. Ever so slightly, he flattened his hands on the table, pushed up so his forearms and biceps bulged from the action, and leaned closer to her.