Page 25 of Conquered

Aweek had passed and Luna was completely healed, body wise.

There were still times she woke in the middle of the night covered in sweat with memories of her nightmares playing through her mind. They were dreams about being with Maximo, of doing untold and unspeakable things.

They were enough to have her losing sleep over and feeling drained with every passing day. She drew closer to Genet and Raimi. She basked in the gentleness and warmth they gave her.

They didn’t push her, though, and for that, she was thankful.

Then there was Erak with his brooding and almost angry temperament. He kept clear of her, and she did the same, but there was no denying that whenever their paths would cross sparks would fly between them.

She wanted to hate him for thinking he could place some kind of barbaric claim on her and that he acted upset with her over the fact she wouldn’t give in. Instead of staying angry at him, though, she grew wetter picturing what she knew was a gigantic cock buried deep inside of her.

Luna felt unnerved by her fantasies, by the very vivid images that played through her mind. She had no experience with sex personally but had seen enough of it while living on Kat’aki.

Those thoughts led to Raimi and Genet watching their older brother take her and joining in. The three of them doing things to her that had her toes curling and her heart racing. The only thing she would see, smell, taste, and feel was them.

It was enough that she had shamefully touched herself while alone in her room, thinking about those dirty and wrong scenarios that played like a hologram in her mind.

Genet and Raimi had come in and spoken with her days ago, explaining that Erak had set their course for their home planet.

Their expressions had been wary, and she knew they had probably expected her to be upset over that fact. But all she wanted was a new home and life, and as long as it was far away from Kat’aki, she didn’t care where it was.

In fact, if she was being honest, she was looking forward to seeing their home and knowing they would be there. She had never felt safer than she did with these three men, or maybe it was the simple fact she was no longer in Maximo’s sights and away from that horrid planet.

Either way, she’d embrace this alternative path.

The time illuminated on the wall showed her supper was starting in a few moments. After taking her meals in her room for several days after her nightmares, Raimi was the one to coax her out of her hiding. Most of their meals were eaten in silence and usually with Erak absent.

She didn’t know why he had withdrawn so much, especially after he had made this big scene about not stopping until she was theirs. Maybe he had changed his mind and given up on this ridiculous notion that she would just give herself to him?

Berating herself continuously that she was a fool to want anything to do with him did nothing to ease the steady ache his dominance caused between her legs. Luna wanted his power over her, surrounding and filling her, and she wanted his brothers to be the other side of that spectrum with their soft touches.

She was a damn fool and a crazy one at that.

She made her way down the long corridor that would open up into the dining hall and wrapped her arms around her waist. The clothes Genet had given her hadn’t been anything fancy, but they fit and covered her fully, and that was all she cared about.

The pants were made of some type of soft material, and even though she had to roll the waist over several times, it was a million times better than the nearly transparent outfit Maximo had made her wear.

And the shirt was also made of the same white material, nearly falling to her knees and to her elbows, but once again, it covered her and didn’t make her feel exposed. She had no undergarments on, but she was clothed and certainly wouldn’t be picky.

The dining hall came into view, and she stopped before she entered. It always amazed her when she entered this part of the ship. Half of the room was shaped circularly with glass taking up a crescent shape and showcasing the dark, star-dotted space before them.

On the other side was the kitchenette which had anything and everything a person could want. Robotic arms and high-tech gadgets did all the cooking, cleaning, and serving, and made Tao’s seem even more primitive in comparison.

They made no secret of where they were going—back to their home planet. But she knew enough of where the Aktulla males came from that it was a wondrous and beautiful planet. Any place was better than where she had come from.

In all reality, she was glad Erak had changed course and was no longer headed for Hete’kkia because, even if there was a part of her that tried to stay somewhat neutral when it came to the men, she was also jealous.

There wouldn’t be any doubt that they would have been surrounded by gorgeous females, ones that knew a hell of a lot more about pleasing a male than she did.

Luna didn’t actually think she could have handled seeing the women fawning all over the brothers.

She was so damn indecisive, and she hated it. The sooner she got off this ship the better. Even if she couldn’t stay on their predominantly male planet, she could ask for their help.

Surely, they would aid her in finding another place to call home, and if not, maybe she could work for her room and board there? She would show them she was a hard worker, that she could earn her keep.

Because after being on this ship for the past week, smelling these three males’ intoxicating pheromones, and realizing her walls were being broken down by them little by little was driving her crazy.

As the days progressed, Luna was finding out how unique each male was. Erak was the leader, always in command and the first one Genet and Erak went to with any problems.