Page 22 of Conquered

“Well, Luna, answer me. Is that what you think,Fallina, that we intend to keep you as our unwilling, little captive, to have our wicked, filthy alien ways with you?”

God, did she? She looked between the three brothers and knew, in her heart, that Genet and Raimi would be gentle, coaxing, if she ever agreed to any such acts with them.

It was strange because she didn’t know these males and certainly had no way of knowing what they were capable of. Then she looked back into Erak’s powerfully pulling, violet eyes, and knew that if she ever gave herself to a male like him she would be ruined, make her scream out in pleasure and beg for more.

Did she really want to let herself be consumed by a male like that? She hadn’t even touched them or let them touch her, yet she just knew that if she ever did, that would be the end.

The thoughts that played through her mind had her feeling disgust and hatred for herself and for Erak. How could these men confuse her that thoughts of her independence, running in an open field without the fear of being followed and enjoying the sun upon her face, vanish so quickly?

Luna knew about different species finding their mates going territorial and possessive and carrying the females back to their lairs. And even if the Aktullas weren’t like that, she couldn’t allow that, wouldn’t allow her mind or body to be taken.

Even though her body was on fire and the image of being under these three, powerful built and physically superior men played through her like a broken hologram recording, she refused to back down.

The escape had changed something inside of her, forced her out of the victim role and into a survivor.

“Yes, that is what I think, and I won’t let it happen.” She straightened her shoulders and made herself appear strong and warrior-like even if she didn’t particularly feel that way at the moment.

Erak took a step forward, and when Genet and Raimi followed suit as if they meant to stop him, he held up his hand. They halted immediately, but she didn’t miss how their bodies were tense, waiting for what would happen next.

Erak stepped closer to her, so close that she felt his body heat surround her and smelled the scent of him wash through her. Placing his massive hands on the wall on either side of her head, he leaned in so close she swore their lips brushed together.

He may look human but that was the only thing their kind had in common. In front of her was an animal, one that smelled her every emotion, felt her every tremble, and wanted all of her whether she agreed or not.

His cockiness infuriated her, but she would be lying if she didn’t admit it also had her growing wetter. He closed his eyes, and the way he inhaled deeply, his nostrils flaring slightly, let her know he was very aware of what his presence did to her.

When he opened them again, she gasped as his eyes glowed purple.

“Your words contradict what your body is screaming.” His voice, all gravelly and harsh like a serrated blade scraping along her flesh and nicking its way over her body, had her panting for air. Her mouth parted, but nothing came out.

His self- satisfied smirk had her toes curling in lust, and her hands fisting in anger. And then he was gone without another word or a look back as he strode out of the room.

Genet and Raimi stared at her, their silence like a cloak suffocating her. Raimi started rubbing the back of his neck, and Genet coughed in his hand.

For such a big, hulking warriors, it seemed they were embarrassed and unsure about what she could only assume were their brother’s actions.

“His intentions are in the right place, even if he is acting like an asshole.” Raimi grinned over at her, and she melted at the almost boyish charm that came from him.

“I don’t know how familiar you are with our species’ reactions when we find our mate, but for some, it is more intense than others.” Genet glanced down, not meeting her eyes.

With Genet and Raimi, she grew warm and welcoming, but she suspected it had to do with the fact they didn’t try to push their dominance on her like their brother did. Then there was Erak, with his overbearing ways, telling her what he wanted her to do after she had just woken up and was disoriented.

Because he wanted her to do what he said, it made her that more determined not to.

“It seems you two are far different from your older brother.” She suddenly felt so very drained. Closing her eyes and bowing her head, she inhaled deeply, trying to calm the steadily building ache behind her forehead.

“Erak is a species all of his own.” Genet’s deep voice was right before her, and she snapped her head up.

There was only warmth and understanding and the need to help her that came from him.

“It’s the fact he is next in line for the throne, and the power that he gets from being the eldest circulates through him, making him more of a predator than any other Aktulla male, including Raimi and me. He was trained differently, as well, because he is the eldest. He was conditioned to be more ruthless and unforgiving. I think it is hard for him to separate his personal life from the battlefield.”

Genet explained it perfectly because that was exactly what Erak was, a predator that maimed, took, and killed without remorse.

“He is used to getting what he wants at all costs and has never had to fight for a female’s attention.” Genet smiled and kept eye contact with her. “I’m not making excuses for him, and I’ll be honest when I say, I have never seen him be that intense before, even when we were in battle.”

When he lifted his hand to brush a lock of her hair away, she didn’t flinch.

“I can’t tell you he won’t get worse the longer you deny him because that would be a lie, and I will never lie to you, but I will also never push you. Erak may be dominating in all things, but he will never take from you what you do not give willingly. You areourmate, Luna, and I know it is hard for you to understand since humans don’t have that kind of bone-deep connection and instinctual, primal pull my species has.”