Page 11 of Conquered

How could she compete with females like that? They were gorgeous, exotic, and knew how to move to tempt a male. They also knew how to pleasure a man, unlike her. Besides, Maximo had already told her they refused to purchase her.

They were warriors, used to getting what they want. No doubt, they wanted an experienced female, not a naive human who had never had sex, let alone been kissed.

Turning away and looking around frantically, she knew she had to leave now. She’d go home, get the small pack of essentials she had packed, and run as fast and hard as she could. She could go to where the crafts departed, maybe see about getting on one of them to help her.

It was worth a shot even if she doubted it would get her very far. One thing was for sure, no way in hell was she letting Maximo claim anything of hers. She slipped out the back door, her heart beating so fast and hard she couldn’t hear anything besides it banging in her ears.

Her small shack was only a few minutes from Tao, and when she rounded the corner and saw it come into view, a sigh of relief escaped her. Darting as quietly and stealthily as she could, she slipped into her home and shut the door behind her.

For only a second, she allowed herself the moment to calm her racing heart, but she knew she had to jump into action because, once Maximo realized she was gone, he’d come for her.

The bag she had packed the essentials for a speedy escape sat behind her bed. It had a change of clothes, a sock filled with her life savings, a few cans of food, and some bottles of clean water.

Looking around to see if she needed anything else, she tightened her hold on the tattered strap of her pack.

She walked over to her mattress and lifted the stained and frayed weight up. Sitting like a jewel in garbage was her adoptive mother’s only possession worth anything. The large q’anna shell hair barrette wasn’t worth anything, but it meant everything to Luna.

Slipping it into her pocket, she glanced around once more. She needed to hurry if there was any hope of escaping with her life intact. Slinging the bag over her shoulder, she was just about to leave when Maximo’s enraged voice came from just outside the front door.

There was nowhere to escape since there were no windows in her home, and her only way out was currently blocked by a maniac.

Quietly setting the bag on the ground, she frantically searched for something to use as a weapon. Aside from a few plates in her cupboard, rusted and battered utensils, and her less than attractive mattress, she had nothing.

Running over to the utensils, she found a two pronged, dented, and beaten to hell fork and snatched it up. It was a primitive instrument used for eating, but on this planet, technology was less than appealing. Silently moving behind the door, her gaze dropped down to the bag. Lifting it, she tested its weight.

It was heavy enough that she might be able to knock him down with it, which would throw him off balance and give her enough time to escape. Maximo’s clipped voice came through the front door once again.

“I knew you’d run. Just didn’t think it would be so soon. Come out here, Luna.” He started to chuckle, and her heart beat faster. “Open the door like a good girl. I won’t hurt you. That is, not unless you beg.”

His voice sounded off-key, crazed even. God, had he finally snapped? Well, even more than normal?

Keeping quiet, she hoped he had left but knew that was a lost dream. This scenario was a long time in coming, but even knowing this, she wasn’t prepared. The handle jiggled once, and when he realized it was locked, he started beating on the door.

Thank the heavens she had been smart enough to turn the lock when she got home, but the thin barrier that currently kept him back wouldn’t hold for very long.

“Open. The. Fucking. Door!” He roared. Gripping the fork tighter, she braced herself. It would only be seconds before he busted through, and when he did, she needed to be ready to attack and run. Maximo slammed his body against the door.

The already rotting wood bowed forward. He did this over and over again, and when the strain became too much for the abused wood, it busted forward and large splinters flew in all directions. A crack of light filled the room. Maximo stumbled forward, his face bright red and covered in sweat.

He stood in the center of the room, and he clenched his hands as he frantically searched for her.

She stood perfectly still, not even daring to breathe, but it didn’t matter because, when he turned around and spotted her, his face broke out in a sick, predatory grin. Eyes blood-shot and glazed from his rage, he looked crazed.

He stepped closer, and the scent of bloonda berry liquor laced his breath. The very thought that he had partaken of the potent alcohol made her breath freeze in her lungs. Not only was the liquor rare and lethalbut it also altered a person’s perception and caused raw fury to overtake them.

That made Maximo’s normally rage-filled species even more unstable. The alcohol was illegal on fifteen different planets, including the one they were currently on, and that was saying a lot since nothing seemed to be illegal here.

“I had a few drinks with some Kleebo males.” He licked his dried lips and let his eyes move up and down her body in a disgustingly suggestive glare. “I went back for you, but you can imagine my surprise when I realized you left me.”

His words slurred together, but she knew he hadn’t meant the latter in the literal sense. The problem with bloonda liquor was that it hit hard and fast. It became more potent with each passing minute.

The longer she stayed in front of him, the more dangerous the situation became.

“I didn’t, Maximo.” Trying to keep her voice level and steady, she made herself appear calm when she was anything but. She needed to lie and make it believable. “I simply came home to freshen up. I intended to come back.”

He stared at her, his gaze traveling up and down her body once more. Her skin crawled. “You lie.” Spittle dripped from his mouth, and he advanced.

“Stay calm.” She internally winced at her choice of words. He stopped, gritted his teeth, and came forward again. That was probably not the smartest thing to say.