Once the show was over, Fiona met my eyes and rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “Are you okay? I mean, how do you feel about that?”

“We were drunk, and it happened. It’s not a big deal,” I lied, and added a shrug for good measure. “We’re both adults. And I know him, and I trust him…it’s weird, but it’s not like he’s a complete stranger.”

“Are you going you hook up with him again?” Paige asked. She was practically bouncing in her seat at the idea.

“No! I don’t think so. I don’t know,” I stammered, pressing my fingers to my throbbing temples.

I hadn’t even considered that possibility. I had been so flustered and confused when I had woken up, and the marriage part had taken over every brain cell I’d had left that point.

“I say go for it. He’s hot. Hotter than he who shall not be named, in my opinion,” Paige said imperiously. “And I know you don’t remember all of the sexy details, but you guys must have had some kind of chemistry to get that far. Hell, I saw it before you left the bar. I say take advantage of it, at least while we’re here. You deserve some fun. And worst-case scenario, once we’re back home you can forget about it.”

Fiona snorted. “Right. Emotionless sex with the boyfriend’s brother is the patented cure for a heartbreak. I must have missed that class in college.”

“If the boyfriend is a cheating piece of—”

“Enough! I’m too hungover for one your fights. Just let me think.”

The entertainment value had quickly worn off and they were exhausting me again. I couldn’t placate them both. It was like having a little cartoon angel and devil on my shoulders all the time. Helpful in certain circumstances, but not currently when I was tired and confused.

Paige sat sullenly, stabbing her eggs viscously with her fork.

“Can I ask one more question?” Fiona said a moment later.

“One,” I muttered. “Choose wisely.”

“Do you even like Dean? He’s involved in what happened, too. Sure, he’s a guy, but you’d be using him. And if Eric found out, it could potentially cause major problems with his family.” Fiona glanced at Paige, as if waiting for her to jump in and argue.

Miraculously, she stayed quiet.

“Umm.” I answered, eloquently. “I guess so. I’ve known him for as long as Eric. We’ve always gotten along. He’s always been nice to me at family gatherings and stuff. I never thought about him that way though.”

Paige gave me a questioning look, and I took a long drink from my glass to hide my face.

I had just committed the most cardinal of sins, lying to my besties. And it was a significant lie. In fact, I had been hiding something from them for a nearly a year and a half now.

What I had never told them was that of the brothers, I had met Dean first. When my classmates and I had all passed our boards, we went out to a local pub-style restaurant to celebrate. Dean had been working behind the bar that night. I found out later that his parents owned the place, and he had tended bar while finishing up his training for his pilots’ license.

But all I knew that first night was that I thought he was super cute and hot. And nice. He had asked what we were celebrating and sent us some free drinks when I told him. Throughout the night I thought I had caught him watching me. I’d been fairly confident that he was interested.

Nothing happened, though.

Two more times that month I came up with semi-plausible excuses to visit the restaurant and see Dean. My parents came to town for my birthday and without hesitation I suggested McIntyre’s, and then when a friend got a new job, I took her there to buy her dinner and drinks. Luckily, each time Dean was behind his trusty bar, and we were able to talk more, but it never went beyond light banter.

Then, at the end of that third visit, Eric showed up. He came in to talk to his parents but afterwards sat next to us at the bar. And unlike his brother, he had no problem making a move. Right away he asked for my number, and a date, and although I had come in hoping to leave with the other McIntyre, I had no reason to say no.

The rest was history, as they say.

Except, every time we were all together, I couldn’t help wondering what it would have been like if Dean had asked me out first. Not that he had ever said or done anything to make me think he felt that way about me, but I was always aware of him, nonetheless. I had loved Eric, without a doubt, but I hadn’t ever succeeded in completely shutting down that lingering crush.

And now, not only had we finally slept together, but we had gotten married. And Dean didn’t seem all that enthusiastic about getting an annulment.

It was messing with my mind in a big way. Making me question everything that I thought I knew.

What was his angle, and what did it mean?

