“Everyone picks a feat for us to accomplish. It must be something that sounds adventurous, and we do each of those things. I have obviously begun the game by suggesting an escape from your prison.” He went to the door and opened it barely enough to stick his head out.

One of the guards was down at the end of the hall, dressed in servants’ livery. Simon pulled his head back in. “Ah, there is a watchman in the hall. We must distract him to make our escape.”

Rosalind tittered behind her hand. “Simon, we can’t sneak past the guard. Papa wouldn’t like it.”

Simon caught a pinched expression on Miss Frost’s lovely face. The mention of the duke and guards may have perplexed her. He pretended it was part of the game. “I will distract him. The rest of you go down the hall, to the servants’ stairs outside Isabelle’s room. Go when the guard’s back is turned, and make your way upstairs to the library.”

Miss Fiona and James exchanged an excited glance, and Rosalind appeared rather curious. Isabelle stood with a put-upon expression.

“Oh, very well. If you insist. Though you are being quite silly, Simon.”

“And without any help from me,” Miss Frost murmured softly, her lips barely moving. He was perhaps the only one that heard her, and when he looked to see her expression he caught an amused smile on her pretty face.

Was that a gleam of approval in her eyes?

His stomach tightened, not unpleasantly, and Simon had to turn away quickly.

“James, you be lookout. Watch for my signal.” Simon opened the door and slipped out, then whistled loudly as he rambled down the hall toward the guard. Tibbs was the man’s name. And he remained expressionless until Simon stood directly in front of him.


“My lord.” He bowed. “Might I be of service?”

In a whisper, Simon explained himself. “Yes. Please turn around and look out the window behind you for a moment. I am facilitating an escape from the schoolroom.”

The guard raised his eyebrows and did as he was told. “Do you need anyone to follow you, my lord?”

“No.” Simon glanced over his shoulder to see his brother peering out the door. He waved with his hand behind his back, and James slipped down the corridor. The others followed, with Miss Frost bringing up the rear and closing the door behind them. She gave him a curious glance before following the children in their quiet, hurried steps.

He’d wondered, for one horrid moment, if she’d stay behind. Not every woman grown would play such a game with children. Somehow, Mrs. Robinson falling ill had been a great stroke of luck for Simon.

Not that he wished for the governess’s poor health.

But he’d certainly take advantage of it.

He turned his grin back to the perplexed guard. “No, we will stay inside the castle. I’ll return the children to the nursery in under an hour.”

“Very good, my lord.”

Simon left the guard, calling over his shoulder as he went, “Thank you. As you were, Tibbs.” He strode down the corridor after Miss Frost and his fellow adventurers.


Isleen and the children waited for Simon in the library. James had insisted they keep in the spirit of Simon’s game and had them hide behind the furniture. While she felt fairly silly, crouched behind a couch with Fiona, she couldn’t deny the look of excitement on her sister’s face.

“Do you think they’ll show us their secret passages? James says they’re everywhere, but that he can’t show me a single one.”

“I doubt that we will see secret passages.” Isleen had to smile at the very idea. “If they do exist, I imagine only the family is allowed to know their locations.”

“Bother.” Fiona briefly stuck out her bottom lip in an immature pout, but hurriedly pulled it back in. “Tis fun to run around all secret-like, though.”

“Indeed, it is.” Isleen peered over the edge of the couch when she heard footsteps. And there came Simon into the room, theatrically looking over his shoulder before sweeping his gaze across the library. When he saw her looking, he had the audacity to wink.

She blinked in surprise. Here was an entirely new side to the duke’s heir. A playful side she had suspected was buried far deeper than it seemed, given his friends’ insistence that Simon never enjoyed himself.

“James,” he stage-whispered, and his brother popped out from between a globe and pedestal.

“Here I am, Simon. Are we safely away?”