Page 30 of Soul Bound

“About once a year. They can go longer than that, though. It’s not like our life forces are connected….” Aaron stopped as he realized what he’d said.

Marshall grinned. “Thank the Goddess for that. You’d be a fraction of yourself if you were linked to every pack member.”

“I am linked to every member, but not like you and I seem to be.” He leaned back in his chair, wondering how best to explain it. “The pack bond is a feeling of family, and well… pack.”

“So, not a thread or rope connecting you to each member?”

“No, I can’t feel what every pack member is feeling, especially as we are a mixed species pack. There are stories from when there was less inter-species mingling, that an Alpha was connected to every member of the pack, but over time that has faded.” Pausing, he gathered his thoughts. “When you were in the military, you would have had a connection with your teammates, yes?”

Marshall nodded. “Yeah, we were like a family. We trusted each other and had a bond that just connected us somehow.”

“That connection is like the pack bond. In fact, I’d say that as most of your team were shifters or supernaturals of some kind, then you probably formed your own pack, and you actually had a pack bond.”

“Huh, never thought of it like that, but yeah, you’re right.” Marshall grinned, his eyes lighting up and making Aaron’s breath catch. He really was an attractive man.

“Did you get in touch with your mother?” he asked, trying to distract himself from thoughts of stretching Marshall out across the small couch in the corner of his office.

“Yeah, I did. She confirmed there are no shifters on her side of the family, but she’s not one hundred percent sure about Dad’s. Apparently, his sister, my Aunt Lisa, has been doing some research, so Ma’s going to talk to her and get back to me.”

Aaron’s phone interrupted their discussion, and he sighed as he reached to answer it. Marshall gave him a grin as he opened his laptop and settled into his work.

They worked in companionable silence for about an hour, the quiet tapping of keyboard keys and the occasional muttered curse the only noise. Aaron was working his way through one of the many financial reports he received weekly when a sharp hiss drew his attention.

He looked up to find Marshall grimacing with obvious pain before reaching for his cane and gingerly pushing to his feet. A surge of energy from his wolf had Aaron rising quickly and crossing the room.

“Here,” he said, offering his forearm for Marshall to stabilize himself. “You okay?”

“Just the usual. Hip spasm from sitting too long.” Marshall closed his eyes and took a few breaths. Aaron took the moment to study the man up close. Faint lines of pain were etched into his brow, and there were light shadows beneath his eyes. A smattering of stubble had Aaron itching to touch. He could see the strong beat of Marshall’s pulse in his throat, and the desire to lick and kiss the spot drew Aaron in.

Marshall opened his eyes, and green eyes met amber. The air crackled between them, and Aaron slowly placed his free hand on Marshall’s trim waist. Marshall’s breath hitched, and Aaron tensed and then relaxed when he realized Marshall wasn’t in pain.

“I’d very much like to kiss you,” Aaron said softly, watching closely for Marshall’s reaction.

“I’d like that too,” Marshall replied, his tongue swiping his bottom lip, and desire shot through Aaron.

He didn’t move, though, and Marshall raised an eyebrow.


“No. I’m just thinking. I don’t want you to react and end up getting hurt.”

“React?” It took Marshall a second to realize what Aaron was talking about. “Oh! Yeah. My collapsing would be a hell of a dampener on our first kiss.”

“It would,” Aaron agreed. He let go of Marshall’s waist and took his hand. “I’ve got an idea. Come over here,” he said, leading Marshall to the large oak desk.

“Um, I’m not quite ready for you to bend me over your desk, Aaron, despite how sexy you are.”

The visual at Marshall’s words nearly had Aaron collapsing himself. He held himself together though and smirked as he turned Marshall so his ass was leaning against the edge of the desk. “Noted.” He took Marshall’s cane and leaned it next to them before moving directly in front of his mate.

Marshall realized Aaron’s plan and opened his thighs so the wolf shifter could step between them. “I like how you think, Alpha.”

Aaron’s wolf howled in delight at their mate, calling them Alpha.

“Your wolf likes me calling you Alpha, doesn’t he?”

“We do.” He rested his hands on Marshall’s waist. “Now, we’re going to do this slowly. The second you feelanything, you let me know, and we’ll stop.”

An emotion Aaron couldn’t read flashed on Marshall’s face, but it was gone before he recognized it. Marshall gave him a slow nod. Aaron scanned his face once more, checking in that everything was okay.