Page 72 of Soul Bound

Aaron’s wolf didn’t like that question, and a low growl rumbled from his chest. Marshall rested a hand on his arm, his touch soothing him.

“Yes. We’ve only ever been friends. He’s like a brother to me. Why do you ask?”

“I apologize for the question. I just wanted to clarify your relationship.” Fuller switched his attention back to Aaron. “Alpha West, you said that you and Mr. Cavendish met last week. How did you meet?”

“Pure luck and timing,” Aaron replied before going on to fill them in on how Sam had come to meet Marshall and Saint.

The three members of the Assembly stared at them in fascination.

“I thought a soul bond only happened when the two mates meet. If you had not met before last week, then how did the soul bond happen?” De la Reue asked.

“That is one mystery we haven’t been able to solve. The most likely scenario is that we were in a club at the same time on New Year’s Eve a couple of years ago. We must have brushed against each other in the crowd, and it was enough for the soul bond to be activated.”

“And your wolf never hinted that he could sense your mate in the room?”

Aaron shook his head. “No. It was a very crowded bar, loud music, quite overwhelming really. Marshall and I never met. Never even saw each other.”

“I don’t think there would have been a normal response to a mating bond even if they hadn’t been in a crowded room,” Councilor Osborne said.

“What do you mean?” Aaron asked, intrigued by her words.

“Well, when a mate is found, it is a gradual recognition of the bond. It can take a few meetings between the parties to realize,” she replied.

“I always thought a mating bond was pretty instantaneous,” Marshall said.

“Yes and no,” Osborne told him with a smile. “There is a feeling of connection with the other person, and some mate bonds are quickly recognized, especially when both people are of the same species. Interspecies mating’s can take a little longer, but only by a few days.”

“So, even if Aaron and I had met that night, we may not have realized we were mates, soul bond or otherwise?”

“I honestly can’t say,” Osborne said, almost sadly. “As you’ve no doubt become aware, a soul bond is very rare, so we can only go on the records our predecessors have left.”

“Yes, we are aware. Of course, now that you know about our bond, we hope you will give us access to the Assembly library.”

“Yes, of course,” Fuller assured them. He looked at Aaron’s father. “Elder West, please contact our records keeper. I will inform them, of course, of the situation, and there should be no problem in getting further information.”

“Thank you, Secretary Fuller,” Vaughn replied. “Our librarian, Kyr, will forward our observations to the Assembly in due course.”

Aaron made a mental note to have anything Kyr reported pass through him first. He knew the Assembly needed to update the records, but he wasn’t comfortable giving away too much personal information.

“Well, if that is everything, shall we go?” Fuller asked. This time Osborne and De La Reue both stood, smiling warmly at Aaron and Marshall.

“Congratulations again on your mating. When will you be holding the official ceremony?”

Aaron gave an exaggerated groan. “As soon as our mothers can organize.”

Laughter echoed around the room. “I’m sure it will be as well organized as a military operation,” Fuller said.

“Oh, no doubt,” Aaron agreed. “Keep an eye out for your invitations. I know my mother will ensure you are at the top of the guest list.”

“That is most kind. We will look forward to celebrating with you.”

Aaron and Marshall escorted the party to their waiting vehicle.

“One last question. What is going to happen to Harlan?” Marshall asked.

“The Assembly will reprimand him for wasting Assembly time, and then, his punishment will be up to your mate,” De la Reue said, nodding to Aaron.

“We’ll be in touch,” Fuller said before climbing into the back of the car.