Welcome to the Jungle
Dove-caller was the first one to meet me as I swung down off Patty who was sweating and blowing from our breakneck ride. It was Bright Flower who had spotted me racing across the meadow and ran to get her mother.
“What is wrong?” Dove-caller rushed out, taking Patty’s reins and handing them off to her daughter.
“Where’s Bryant? I need...to talk with him...right now!” I huffed.
She gestured towards the longhouse. “He is with Black Crow and the elders. They are talking about the school lessons for...”
I ran for the longhouse, cursing the blasted long skirts that kept twisting around my legs, threatening to trip me.
“Bryant! Come out!” I breathily called at the door. “Bryant!”
He appeared in seconds at the door with Black Crow and the men. He was about to ask the reason for the intrusion of this important meeting, then immediate saw my expression and jumped down the steps towards me.
“Callista, what’s wrong?” he demanded, gripping my shoulders with his fingers.
“It’s...Wilkens,” I said, huffing and shaking my head. “And his...men.”
“What men?”
“Arcans. Arcans. He’s their...leader...They’re headed here...to kill everyone. They’re want to kill you to stop the prophecy.”
“Prophesy? What prophesy?”
I shook my head, no time to explain. “They plan to make sure of it by leveling this entire village and everyone in it. We have to get everyone out of here now!”
Catching my breath, I spilled my accidental discovery of Ray Wilkens’ true identity and purpose in one long, unending sentence. I was only halfway through when Bryant turned to rush out warnings and instructions to the men clustered around us.
Everyone dispersed and went into action.
Bryant turned to me. “Take Henry and head back to town.”
“No way I’m leaving you!” I shouted above the growing panic as people raced around us.
“I’m not arguing with you, Callista! Go, now!”
He glared at me with furious glowing blue eyes. I didn’t care how intimidating he tried to be, I glared back, not budging an inch. I would not abandon the man I loved knowing this could very well be the time and place where Hilly said Michael Bryant would be killed. I would fight to my own death to keep that from happening.
“Stubborn, stubborn woman,” he growled, dimming the glow from his eyes.
“You bet. I’m grabbing my rifle and helping you fight these slime bags.”
He spat a black obscenity, then looked at me with dark resignation. “See to Henry first then.”
I gave a nod. He was right. Even if I stayed to help fight the Arcans, it was too dangerous for Henry to be here.
“I’ll be right back.”
I kissed Bryant, then took off, dodging screaming women and crying children and hollering men going into warrior mode, weaving in and out of the rushing crowds and around shelters, calling for Henry as I ran.
At last I found him clutching his camera box in one arm, the other wrapped around the shoulders of Yellow Leaves with her mother in tow as he rushed them through the crowd of running villagers.