Page 49 of Fated Mates

I numbly lifted the gun, and Bryant grabbed it from my hand and set it on the mantle. Then he shut and barred the door, mumbling blackly. That’s when I noticed him wince and grip his side.

“You’re hurt!” I gasped, rushing over to him.

He shook his head. “It’s nothing. Caught myself on a branch when I heard the gunshot and came running for you. You’re all right then?”

“I’m fine. Let me look at you.”

I lifted the edge of his shirt and saw the ugly scratch, confirming his story. It didn’t look to be bleeding freely though. No, it wasn’t bad.

“I’ll all right, stop your fussing. So what happened, Callista?”

My eyes raised to his. “I-I heard something, and I was worried for you.”

“For me?” He eyed me with irritation. “No need. Not ever. Don’t do that again.”

I swallowed hard, adding, “There was something out there tonight. I-I shot it. A wolf, I think. He’s hurt, I think.”

“Well, if you did, then he’s run home, I’m certain. Get to bed now.”

“No! Bryant, don’t...”

He understood. “Go on. I’ll make a pallet for myself by the door. I’ll make sure nothing gets to you tonight.”




“It was around here where I shot him,” I said to Bryant the next morning.

Bryant checked around the clearing with shaking head. “I don’t see any blood or tracks. Definitely no dead carcass. Are you certain it was even a wolf you shot at?”

I hooded my eyes at him, replying, “I know a dog whine when I hear one. Yes, it was a wolf. A silver one. I found some of its fur, but I had dropped it when I ran for the cabin.”

“Well, if it was, you didn’t kill the beast. Maybe kinked it at bit. Either way, it’s long gone now.”

“No doubt, waiting to return and make a snack of me at the next opportunity,” I added.

“Well, to be fair you’re in his territory, not the other way around.”

“You want me to make nice with the wolf?” I remarked. “Offer him a Scooby Snack?”

“A what?”

“Never mind,” I said with a frustrated wave. “Are we done here?”

“We are. Let’s go back to your cave, and see what’s to do there,” Bryant said.

“You’re sure the Arcan Hunters aren’t still lurking around?” I asked, nervously scanning the forest.

“Not entirely, so keep close and keep quiet,” he said.

After much debate last night, I knew it was important for Bryant’s own peace of mind that he see my cave with its ancient glyphs for himself. He claimed not to doubt my word (too much) on being a time traveler or wonder if I was an Arcan plant like Alice suggested, but I knew a part of him still questioned it.

Besides, I needed to see the cave for myself, touch it, make sure that it was real, and that I wasn’t just stuck in some unending nightmare.

We reached the hill that housed the cave tunnels, and I guided Bryant towards the partially hidden entrance. Bryant held back the bush branches, covering it, but I stood there staring at the craggy black hole as if it were a gaping lion’s mouth ready to devour me.