Page 91 of Fated Mates

Could that village be the Snoqualmie’s?

Could it be that Bryant was only years, maybe months away from..?

No. No, please!

“Bryant, I have to tell you something,” I said, sitting up to look him straight in the face. “It’s about the future. Your future. It’s about what will happen to—”

He pressed fingers to my lips to cut off my words. “No, don’t say anything, Callista. I’ve tempted fate too many times in my life, and I will not do so again.”

“But you have to know this.”

“No, I do not,” he insisted. “Please, love. Whatever it is, it’s best to keep anything that you know from me and allow things to unfold as they should.”


“Promise me, Callista.”

Tears welled and dripped down my cheeks, but I swiped them off my face and grimly nodded.

No choice then. Decision made.

I had to stay, at least for the time being. Because if Bryant wouldn’t allow me to warn him about his future, then I would just have to stick around and make sure to stop whatever fatal circumstance would send him prematurely to his grave.

Now I really wished I had done my research on Michael Bryant before I left my own time. Then I would know what had happened to him and when it happened and how to prevent it.

After all, what good was knowing about the future, if I couldn’t change it?

But could I?

...The answer is—in major events that affect millions of people, I don’t know. Fate is a fickle mistress, and it’s not wise to tempt her strategic plans.

In smaller events that affect you personally, the answer is—most definitely yes...

There was nothing more personal than keeping the man I love alive at all costs.

Including tempting Fate itself.

“I’ve decided something,” I said. “There really isn’t any reason for me to travel back to my own time specifically on Samhain next week.”


“I mean, that’s only the first fire feast. Maybe not even a good one for time travel. Anyhow, I figure that the winter solstice would be a better time to go, more reliable. Or maybe it’d be best if waited until the next summer solstice. That’s when I first came here after all. What do you think?”

Bryant sat up and fixed his stare with mine. “Is that what you really want, Callista? To stay here, without all of your electricity and television and plumbing and such?”

“Easy peezy. Bryant, honestly I could do without all of that, so long as I’m here with you. That is, if you want me to stay. At least awhile longer. I know we agreed that I would go at the first opportunity, and you’ve been generous enough to take me in and even make a contract marriage—”

He cut my words off, this time with his lips and the passionate grip of his fingers holding me against him.

It was fair to say that all discussion was closed.



We’re Not Going to Take It Anymore

“So tonight’s your special night then,” Henry remarked. “All Hallows Eve.”