Page 57 of Fated Mates

I swallowed hard and picked up my pace.



Hungry Like a Wolf

“I’ve saddled the horses,” Bryant said, packing up a satchel with various food items.

I sliced him a narrowed stare as I sat by the fireplace, making repairs to my new wardrobe with needle and thread.

“Good for you. Have fun.”

“I want you to come with me this time, Callista.”

“To town?” I said, perking up.

“We’re not going to town. You know that it’s not safe for you there,” he said.

I slumped again, then grunted at him. “Didn’t know that Sheriff Jerk-face intimidated you so much.”

“He doesn’t, and don’t try to bait me. When things cool off a bit, then you can join me when I go into Silver Falls.”

I focused back on my sewing, trying not to act the petulant child. Bryant was only trying to protect me from any backlash Wilkens still planned from our altercation two weeks earlier.

I hated bullies dictating my life though. It rubbed hard against the grain to let them win, even in a small thing like staying away from town.

“Go on to the village alone then,” I said, knotting and biting off the end of the thread, then holding the blouse up to examine my repair job. “I’ve got more mending to do, and I’m seeing Dove-caller tomorrow anyhow. She’s coming here and show me some herb patches in this area.”

“We’re not going to the village either. Not this time,” he said.

I tossed my repaired blouse in the sewing basket.

“Then where?” I asked.

He cracked a one-sided smile saying, “Well now, come with me and find out.”

Interest piqued, I followed him outside and around the cabin to the greatly improved stable where Pat and Patty were saddled and ready to go.

I reined Patty closer towards Bryant and his horse as we picked our way through the underbrush towards the clearer part of the forest, all the while scanning the area for predators. One in particular.

“If you’re watching out for Arcan Hunters, there’s been no sight of them for a goodly time now, so I believe they’ve moved on.”

“Oh, nice,” I said. “But I’m not really looking for them.”

“Then who?”

“A what, actually,” I said. “My wolf.”

Bryant shot a pinched look at me. “Yourwolf?”

“The one that almost attacked me that night a few weeks ago.”

He grunted. “He didn’t attack you, Callista. Frightened you, perhaps.”

“For good reason. You should’ve seen him. He was huge. And mean-looking. And his eyes glowed this weird—”

“Was he then?” Bryant challenged.