Page 19 of Fated Mates

Bryant whipped his head around, then jutted his chin at some boulders on the far left. In double-time we limped towards the cluster of huge rocks, Bryant breaking off leafy saplings as we passed them.

Reaching the boulders, we ducked down into a wide crevice, and he covered us with the tree branches. It was poor camouflage, but better than full exposure.

Bryant placed a finger to his lips as we huddled together. No worries there, mate. I wasn’t about to give away our hidden location.

One minute passed.

Then two.


“Told ya they’re around here,” was called from very close by.

Crap, they found us!

I swallowed down the scream welling in my throat, my heart hammering hard in my chest. I heard a shaky creak, then realized the sound came from me.

Bryant lightly pressed his damp forehead to my temple and whispered reassurances in my ear. I appreciated the kind gesture, but it did nothing to calm the raw terror that threatened to explode out of me any second.

“No, that’s a bear track, stupid,” the other shooter grumbled. “Don’t you know a bear from a wolf? It’s an old one anyways, and not even a shifter. See there?”

“Damn. We lost them then. Boss is going to have our hide for this.”

“Let’s head back to camp. The others might’ve caught up with ‘em.”

I listened to the men crash away through the woods, every fiber in my body wire tight.

More time passed. Neither of us moved from our position. I had no problem cowering there all night like a frightened rabbit, of course, but we couldn’t stay there much longer. Bryant was getting worse, shaking and breathing shallowly, his face feverish and pale.

“I think it’s safe to go...”

Slowly Bryant’s eyes closed and his body slumped against me, his head lulling to one side.

“N! Bryant, wake up! Bryant!”

I shook him, shook him harder, calling him, but he still didn’t wake. Not knowing what else to do, I pressed my palms on both sides of his fiery, stubbled cheeks and kissed his mouth.

Five seconds and Bryant startled awake, blinking weak silver-blue eyes at me.


“Welcome back,” I said with relief. “That’s twice now. Don’t you die on me at third time, or I’ll kick your keester with mygoodfoot. Hear me, soldier?”

“Aye...captain,” he said.

“Now let’s get out of here before those armed sickos come back and turn us into a Freddy Kruger movie.”

Bryant looked at me as if I had gone off my rocker.

With great effort, we awkwardly climbed out of the rocky crevice, then continued to shakily limp forward. Both of us were losing strength fast. Another ten minutes, and we would both collapse from exhaustion.

“I thought you said your cabin was nearby,” I huffed like a steam engine.

“Next...r-rise,” he said, jutting his chin towards the upcoming hillside.

“It better be, because I don’t know how much farther I can haul your sorry butt around these woods.”

He chuckled weakly, swallowing hard.