Page 110 of Fated Mates

Or that one of her own tribe’s elders, now strangely missing in action, was one of them.

Had been one.

“I can’t tell anyone,” I said, which was at least an honest, if not muddy answer.

“I wouldn’t think so,” she said. “If something like this was even true.”

Here was the most important part of this conversation, and it was vital that I got her on my side.

“It is. And because of it, no one else can know about it either, Maggie. The implications to the world, to history itself, could be catastrophic. There are evil people with evil motives out there, always have been and always will be. There’s a very good reason your ancestors kept this portal secret.”

“Thisportal? Which means there are others.”

“Maybe. I think so. I don’t know.”

She grumbled, shaking her head. “You’re talking about me rejecting all of my true archeological findings in this mountain, Callista. My career, my reputation, all of my future authentications would be at risk. Ever since the elders disclaimed my last findings, few people believe me now. If I made another alleged mistake...”

Her reputation would be ruined.

I knew this and felt horrible for asking this sacrifice of her, but there wasn’t any other choice.

I understood now that Tom Black had planned all of this, knowing that Margaret Thunders was in line to receive the sacred secrets from her grandmother Ruenna last year on her deathbed. He was the one who had his Arcans blow up the first glyphs she found and slung mud on her findings, just so that she would continue searching for the real cave of secrets that held the actual time portal.

Now with Tom and his Arcan cohorts missing in action, thanks in whole to the Bryant military, the only other threat for exposure of this time portal was Maggie Thunders herself.

“It’s your call, Maggie,” I said. “The scientist in you may want to shout your discovery to the entire world. But I really believe that your ancestors, your grandmother herself, would prefer that you didn’t.

“They entrusted you with this sacred knowledge, understanding the ramifications of it falling into the wrong hands. Now it’s up to you to decide what to do with this precious gift.”

There was a very long pause as Maggie turned back to study the dull green symbols and lettering. Reached up and lightly touched it again with her fingertips.

“I don’t know, McEwan,” she said finally. “It might be too late. Too many people already know about this project.”

She turned back to me with arched brow, adding, “Of course, they also know the dangers of these tunnels that could cave in at the slightest provocation, including earthquakes and natural explosions. Tonight, even.”

“So maybe we should leave here before that happens?” I suggested hopefully.

“Hmm, good idea,” Maggie said. “I’ll tell my friends of this as soon as we get back to the reservation. They’ll make sure that no one is ever hurt by this cave again.”


Chapter 22

Don’t You Forget About Me

Once Maggie and I both confirmed that the etchings we discovered in the now accidentally imploded mountain cave was less than thirty years old(not something to write to the Smithsonian about), I brokered a peace pipe between her and Logan. It took some doing, but she finally agreed that his new idea for the old Snoqualmie village site was a decent one. Historically speaking.

Okay, culturally, too.

And educationally.

And financially.

Yeah, alright, she liked the idea well enough and would help the Newcastle Industries CEO out wherever she could.

A day later with nothing left to do, I decided to quit stalling. It was time to go home.

My flight back to Norfolk was booked. I was packed and ready to head to SeaTac airport. All that was left was for me to say goodbye to my bestie who dragged me into this entire adventure in the first place.