Page 101 of Fated Mates

I dipped my hand into my pocket and grasped my rose quartz, feeling the smooth, jagged glassy facets, rolling it in my fingers to help me think, consider what else I could do...

The quartz fired up and heated my fingers, and I yelped and yanked it out of my pocket, dropping it to the ground.

The crystal began to vibrate, glow.

“The stone holds no magic but that which you give it,”Dove-caller had translated from Flying Deer that day it was given to me.“You will know what to do with it when it is needed.”

I did.

The crystal. That was my flight ticket back home!

I grabbed the crystal and dashed over to the wall, pressing it to the symbol. But only when the blood from my gash dripped onto it that it shattered, and I was blinded by a light so brilliant it nearly burned my retinas out.

The cave rumbled and roared and quaked.

Then I was invisibly picked up and thrown backwards, banging my head on the cave floor.

And all went black.



The Final Countdown

I woke into utter darkness, my head aching, my foggy brain trying to assimilate what had happened.

Where was I?

Why was it so dark?

A cave. Right, I was in a cave. There had been an earthquake and...and I had time jumped into the past. Now I was back in my present.

Or was I?

Bryant! He was...

He was dead. Gone.

Was he?

Or had Michael Bryant really been just some figment of my lustful imagination after suffering a serious concussion. Maybe I had imagined him. Dreamed the entire time jump thing into the past.

I relaxed, feeling his signet ring on my finger, touched the hem of my long skirt twisting around my ankles.

It was real then, had been real, not some dream. Because I wouldn’t be dressed this way or leave Bryant if I didn’t need to travel back to my own time to stop...


He and his Arcan thugs were real then, too.

And now here, in my present time, 1988.

If that was when the portal had launched me.

“No, please.”

I scrambled to my feet, then felt along the rock wall, picking my way faster and surer towards the cave entrance. I had no time to lose. Whatever time period this was, Wilkens had beat me here, and I had to stop him before he met up with his people.