My heart soars. I know I have a ton of challenges ahead, not least of which is understanding the guys’ work and how the hell three guys share one woman. But I’m game if they are.

“You know, Max,” I say, “you told me once you thought you’d die alone. That no woman would want to be with a guy like you, who’s in your line of work.”

“Yeah. I did say that.” He presses his lips together. Maybe regretting his words?

“Well, I guess I just proved you wrong.”

We burst out laughing, and seconds later we’re joined by Rowan and Greyson.

“Sounds like you sealed the deal, man,” Greyson says, offering Max a high-five.

Rowan jumps onto the bed and pulls me to him. “Good work, Max. You didn’t fuck it up,” he laughs.

Max faux-punches him.

“So, guys, one request,” I say.

They turn to me, their faces serious.

“Anything you want, baby.”

“Your wish is my command.”

“Just name it, darling.”

“When can we go back to Room 21?”

* * *


Seems I said goodbye a little too quickly. It took some time, but my parents rattled the universe and beyond when they called me. Actually, they didn’t just call, although that was a surprise in itself, but they also invited me to dinner. At their house.

With the guys.

To say I never thought I’d see the day when my parents wanted to spend time with me apart from reiterating how I was a sinner destined for the depths of hell, is an understatement of proportion even bigger than my affection for the guys.

And that’s saying a lot.

That I’ve fallen for them—Max, Rowan, and Greyson—is no secret. But it doesn’t begin to describe my feelings. I am a completely new person, formed in part by my quest to be something other than what I was originally destined for, and especially due to the guys’ influence. When it comes down to it, they get a lot of credit for the woman I have become. And continue to become. They shaped me. Created me. Molded me.

Some might say that’s creepy.

I say it’s hot.

For as long as I can remember, I wanted to escape the suffocating dreariness of my surroundings. And I did. I actually, truly did. But not all by myself.

Honestly, I had the help of a lot of people.

I guess the first person I have to thank is Melanie, my bestie from home. While our lives have wildly diverged, her support of me has never wavered, not even for a moment. She sees me. She’s always seen me. And while my choices are not ones she would have made, she understands why I’ve done what I have. She wants me to do more of it, too. She wants me to take on what she can’t even fathom, because she knows that’s best for me.

And she wants only the best for me.

Maybe someday I can show her there’s more out there for her, too.

Cripes, when I think about it, I also owe kudos to my less-than-nice Club Sin boss, Gwen. Her treating me as not much more than a walking ATM taught me I need to look out for myself, because most people won’t. She never really gave a crap about me, or anyone, for that matter. Behind that façade of smiles is nothing other than cold eyes and a cold heart. Kind of a sad way to go through life.

My study buddy and partner-in-crime, Charleigh, is like a blessing sent from the gods. I wouldn’t have made it through bookkeeping without her. We egged each other on to study harder and do better, and ended up being the course’s star students. A first for both of us.