“Bring your books,” he continues, “so you can study. We’ll get you something to eat, and you can chill in peace.”

After the drama of being confronted by my parents and Pastor Pervert, I have to admit Max’s offer sounds nice. It’s been a rough day and it’s not even noon yet.

It figures, just when I’m getting my feet under me, settled on solid ground, something has to come along and upset it all. I guess life is just like that.

“Okay, guys. Let’s go.”

* * *



Squirreled awayin a far corner of Greyson’s house, I close my laptop after my Zoom call with Charleigh. She’s cool with the fact that I wasn’t up for the drive to meet her in person, and to be honest, we actually got more done in our virtual study session.

We are both going to ace our exams. I can feel it.

It’s a nice boost after what happened earlier in the day. Although it’s a minor miracle I could get any work done, anyway.

Now I need to focus on next steps. Just when I am about to write down all my options, limited though the list may be, there is a soft knock at the door of the room where I’m hanging out, having time to myself.

“Yes?” I call.

The door opens a crack and Max sticks his head through. “Can I join you for a minute?”

I gather up the books and papers I spread out on the bed where I was studying, and make a spot for him to sit on.

The crazy, curly hair he usually has pulled back into a ponytail is loose, a soft contrast to the sharp, masculine angles of his face. As is his usual habit, he rakes his fingers through his hair, pulling it back off his forehead, only for it to snap back into place.

My god, he is cute.

“I think maybe you need a barrette or something,” I tease, pointing at his unruly curls.

He grabs my hand and smiles. “I think maybe you are right. How was studying?”

“Great. I think we’re really well prepared. I’m hoping for another A.”

The A grades make me feel good. I can’t lie. Even thinking about them makes me feel good. As if anything is possible, and that I’ll eventually find my way.

I started over once before and I’m sure I can do it again. Club Sin isn’t a long-term solution, anyway.


“Lu, we guys have something on our minds, and well, I’m the one who wants to talk to you about it.”


I’ve learned anything can happen when the guys want to have a ‘talk.’ But I’m not nervous this time. I want to hear what they have to say.

“We didn’t mean to… insult you by offering to take care of you. You see, what we want, what we are hoping for, is much more than having you at our sexual beck and call. We wantyou. This is real—not Club Sin dress-up games. As much fun as they are,” he adds.

For the second time today, I’m speechless. I look at Max and open my mouth to say something, and have no idea where to start.

They like me, they do, and the problem is, if I’m honest with myself and really think about all the possibilities around me, this is what I want. I’m growing attached to them—scratch that, I alreadyamattached to them—and I’m just now letting myself acknowledge that truth. I couldn’t have done it before. It was too risky, and I was too afraid.

I get my voice back. “I… I’m falling for you guys. You need to know that.”

Max tilts his head, and as my words sink in, a smile slinks across his face. “So here’s the thing,” he says, “we are designing one gigantic house for the three of us and would love to set you up in a bedroom in the center of it. You know, since you’re going to be the center of our lives.”