He wanted to stop all this talking and take her into his arms and pick up where their last kiss had left off. But he was a modern man and he didn’t know if this attraction would be more than a one-night stand so… “There’s no way to ask this without sounding indelicate but are you on the pill?”

“I am and I have condoms in the bathroom,” she said. “Hope you don’t mind but I’m not one for taking chances.”

“Yet you keep saying you’re going to wing it with me,” he teased throwing her words back at her as he felt a rush of relief go through him.

“Only with the relationship,” she said as she kicked off her shoes and held out her hand. “Want to see the bedroom?”

He took her hand, tugged her off-balance so she fell into his arms. He pulled her close until their bodies were pressed together and he took the kiss he’d wanted all night. One that was deep and carnal. One that was guaranteed to turn her on and let her know that he wasn’t going to stop kissing her until he was buried inside of her. One that made promises…only for tonight.

She put her hands on his face again—that touch felt so damned intimate—and then her fingers were in his hair, holding his head as she went up on her tiptoes to deepen the kiss. He sucked her tongue deeper into his mouth and turned so that he had his back against the wall. He lifted her off her feet and she moaned as her breasts pressed against his chest and her thigh slid between his.

He cupped her butt and pulled her more intimately against him. He wanted her naked. Why weren’t they naked yet?

Lifting his head he looked down at her. Her lips were slightly swollen from their kisses and her eyes were half-closed. She licked her lips.

“Where’s your bedroom?” he asked. His voice sound husky and raw to his own ears.

She lifted her arm and pointed down the hallway. “Upstairs, first door on the left.”

He swung her into his arms and carried her up the stairs and into her bedroom. He set her on her feet and she reached around him to turn on the light. “Um, I’ll just go get the condoms.”

He nodded as he kicked off his shoes and looked around her room. He had the brief impression that this room looked nothing like the woman he was coming to know. It was bland and beige…boring. And there was nothing boring about Angelica.

Chapter Seven

Angelica took amoment to brush her teeth, though given the fact that he’d been kissing her, it might have been a distraction she didn’t need. Except she did need it. She’d invited him back and now he was here. In her bedroom, which she’d made as plain and bland as she wanted her life to be—a part of her mea culpa for letting things get so out of control in New Orleans. Sort of her penance for screwing up but also because she didn’t initially regret what she’d done, so that had meant she needed to change. She had let herself get caught up in Veronica’s negative attitude, and it had slowly poisoned her.

It had made her question what she knew of herself. So she had come to Whiskey River and started over with a blank slate. A bland state of being so she could reshape herself. Except she’d sort of stalled.


She wasn’t going down that mental path right now. She had Max in her bedroom and let out a little squeal of joy. She opened the drawer where she kept the box of condoms and glanced at the expiration date. Still in date…just barely. She wasn’t at all surprised since she’d had a very long dry spell when it came to men and dating.

But that was ending tonight. She took her hair down and then removed her shoes and socks. That was always awkward when things got hot and heavy, she thought.

There was a knock on the door.

“Hey, if you changed your mind, you can just tell me.”

She opened the door and saw him standing there and realized she wanted this more than she’d realized. “I haven’t. I was just…well it’s been a minute since my last…” She broke off, gesturing toward him and then the bed.

Which was probably more awkward than if she’d just said hookup. But she was awkward. She liked him more than she wanted to admit to herself or to him. This was never going to be an easy lay. She knew that.

“That’s cool. I’m not going to pretend that I want to walk away from you, but if you say you’d rather just hang out and not have sex, that’s what we will do,” he said gently.

He treated her with a kindness that made her feel, well, spoiled in a way that she hadn’t in a very long time. She gave him a smile that she hoped didn’t reflect her real feelings of how much she was starting to like this man.

“Thank you for that. But I’ve brushed my teeth and removed my shoes.”

He arched one eyebrow at her with a wry expression on his face. “I mean that is sort of the universal sign for getting it on.”

She groaned. He’d saidgetting it onin a sort of low voice. “Can you please never saygetting it onagain?”

“Would you have preferred hooking up?” he asked, coming closer to her, and she noticed he’d removed his shoes as well. She pointed to his bare feet and tipped her head to the side in a silent question.

“I wanted to give you the secret signal,” he said dryly.

She started laughing then and realized it had been too long since she’d just let herself enjoy the moment like this. She had a few times with Cosima and her family but they were part of the protective bubble that helped insulate her from the world. This was Max Parrish. Someone who moved in circles she didn’t and had been a stranger ten days ago. This was…well, huge.