“Love is so weird. Aunt Jules still loves Auggie. Cora and Tad had their secrets and yet they are still together. Is it just the years keeping them united at this point or is some of it real emotions?” Adler asked. Once she’d believed that only the strong bond of love could keep a couple together, but now she didn’t know. Who could love another person who kept those kinds of secrets?
“It is weird. And I’m not in love with Logan. I was in lust and I’m cured. What about you?”
“I’m still in love despite the fact that I’m ticked at Nick. He’s the only man I want to be with. I guess that’s why I’m going through with the wedding. I am upset, and he’s unsure of himself right now, but I don’t want to let him go. I still have hope that we can find our way back to each other.”
Quinn gave her a sweet look and then hugged her. “I know you two will. You have to or else that means that the older generation and their machinations won. And that’s not right. They were trying to hurt each other and you two are pure love and joy.”
Adler shook her head. “I don’t know about that, but I do know I’m not going to let their actions influence us any more than I have to. I’m going to marry Nick and we are going to start our life away from the craziness that is the Bisset-Williams feud.”
“Good plan. Ready to start getting your hair and makeup done?”
“Yes. I want to do all the bride things and just get this day over with.”
Logan left the hotel and ended up at his grandmother Vivian’s house. But after his behavior, he wasn’t sure he’d be welcome there. At the last minute, he took a detour, starting down the path to the beach. He found himself sitting on the sand watching the waves when his brothers found him. Dare, Zac, Leo and... Nick. His half sibling—wait, his twin. The brother he didn’t want to have.
“Thought we’d find you here,” Dare said.
“Your powers of deduction are working overtime,” Logan said sarcastically.
“Don’t be more of an ass than you already have been,” Leo said. “Adler texted Nick and told him that you and Quinn were a thing and you broke her heart. Again.”
“Is that why you’re here?” he asked. His brothers weren’t the type to meddle in his affairs. They pretty much all kept the ups and downs of their love lives to themselves and he, for one, appreciated that.
“Yes and no,” Dare said as he sat next to him. “I can’t speak for the others, but I needed to get away from Mom and Dad and all the wedding stuff. No offense, Nick.”
“None taken,” Nick said, sitting next to Dare.
Zac walked to the water’s edge, looked out at the horizon and then down at the beach, bending to pick up a shell. He used the incoming wave to wash the sand off it.
He walked back over to his brother, pocketing the shell as he did so. “I’m here to give you some advice, bro. I have no idea if you were just hooking up with Quinn or if you thought it was something else and the stuff with Mom and Dad threw you off. But if you have even the slightest feeling that she’s the one, don’t let her slip away. I have never felt worse than when I’d thought I’d lost Iris,” he said.
“You were hung over,” Logan pointed out.
Leo punched him in the shoulder. “Don’t be a jerk. Do you feel like that for Quinn?”
He shrugged. This wasn’t something he was going to discuss with them. “I don’t know. Nick, can I have a moment of your time?”
He might not like Nick but the two of them had been fucked over a lot this weekend. And Logan didn’t want to be responsible for another shock. He felt like it was only right to give his adversary a heads-up to what he’d done.
Nick arched an eyebrow at him and then nodded. “Sure. Alone?”
“Let’s take a walk,” Logan said, standing.
Nick fell into step beside him as they walked down the shore. Logan realized that he knew nothing about this man aside from his business practices and that they usually were going after the same prize.
“First of all, I’m not sure about the twin thing,” Logan said. “I don’t like you. I’m pretty sure you feel the same about me.”
“You’re not my favorite person,” Nick said drolly. “But I appreciate you coming to the wedding for Adler’s sake.”
Logan shook his head. He was a grade-A asshole and it was time that Nick knew it. “I didn’t come here for Adler. I did it because my mom—Juliette—told me that I would let the family down if I didn’t come.”
“Well, still you showed up,” Nick said. “I’m not sure I would have.”
Fuck him.“I had to get a little bit of myself back though. Couldn’t give in and show up at your wedding and let you win.”
Nick tipped his head to the side, a hard look coming over his face “Let me win? What did you do to get back at me?”